Club 600


Well-Known Member
A pic from yesterday while waiting for the flooring salesman to arrive:

1,360-sq.ft. (126-sq. meters)
middleschool parking lot on the right.
undeveloped land across the street (been undeveloped for about 10+ years, and no prospects of being developed for a while).
late middle-aged neighbors to the left, and an elderly couple in the house behind us.
the last residential road on the south side of town before it turns into farm land.



Well-Known Member
Am gonna read things in a minute, but for the moment, hehehehehehhhehohohohohoho....I is high as a mofo.......


Well-Known Member
.BIG HUG TO THE DOOB FAMILY...that is the only coherent thing I can give at the moment. FUK YEH, I AM COMING WITH THE DST FAMILIA!

Just talked with the wife on the phone, and she informs me that we will take possession of the house on August 29th, or no later than August 31st.
She's been hounding the bank and the title company so that nothing goes wrong, and her efforts have paid off in that we get our house a week earlier than anticipated.
And our first mortgage payment isn't until October 1st, so we just have half a month's rent at the apartment here which equals $275, and no mortgage payment for a full month.
Now just need to coordinate the flooring and washer/dryer delivery to be done ASAP, and we're golden.
Huge loads of worry are now gone.
Only need to finish packing, hire some muscle from a labor pool to do the lifting, and hire Merry Maids for the apartment cleanup.
Off to the flooring company to make the payment and schedule the installation.


Well-Known Member
snobby poshville! lol.....

looks smashimg mate. chuffed for ya bru!

A pic from yesterday while waiting for the flooring salesman to arrive:

1,360-sq.ft. (126-sq. meters)
middleschool parking lot on the right.
undeveloped land across the street (been undeveloped for about 10+ years, and no prospects of being developed for a while).
late middle-aged neighbors to the left, and an elderly couple in the house behind us.
the last residential road on the south side of town before it turns into farm land.



Well-Known Member
A pic from yesterday while waiting for the flooring salesman to arrive:

1,360-sq.ft. (126-sq. meters)
middleschool parking lot on the right.
undeveloped land across the street (been undeveloped for about 10+ years, and no prospects of being developed for a while).
late middle-aged neighbors to the left, and an elderly couple in the house behind us.
the last residential road on the south side of town before it turns into farm land.

nice i think, but i worry about the harsh penalties for growing in a school zone...

and i forgot to ask, is that your scooter parked out front?


Well-Known Member
Seriously bru, harsh penalties, Doobs ani't no stupid mofo, he'll have it covered. Look at the positive things in life.
Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Seriously bru, harsh penalties, Doobs ani't no stupid mofo, he'll have it covered. Look at the positive things in life.
Peace, DST

My grandmother has a problem with this... Everything is always so terrible with her... Too much fox and cnn I think, shame on them for being so trashy. Iv tried for years to help her change her outlook on life,,, to no avail. Maybe she gave it all to me lol Like I told my father the other day "I could find the silver lining in a toilet bowl full of shit" lol


Well-Known Member
Oregon struck down those laws as unconstitutional soon after MMJ laws were passed and some people sued to nullify those stipulations.
Won't be growing any outdoors, so won't be an "attractive nuisance" for kids, and FSM help any fool dumb/brave/desperate enough to come into our home looking for anything, as I'm home 24/7 for the most part, and can more than take care of business when the needs arise (always strapped, and at least have a razor-sharp pig-sticker on my hip at all times).
I'm fully compliant with the OMMP regs, and keep my grow card on the door to the grow area, and always carry my OMMP card on me.
The feds have bigger fish to fry than me, since I don't process bho, or sell any herb.

And that's my scooter in the pic (a 2013 Honda Metropolitan).
Raised the top speed from 36mph to 43mph so far, and have 3 more upgrades to go by the end of the year (probably sooner) that will bump it up to about 50mph (maybe more).
This winter I'm buying a decent airbrush kit & compressor, and will be doing a custom paint job on it.
Calling it: "Operation: Don't Tread On Met" ("Met" being short for "Metropolitan), and will be painting it as if it were a Western Diamondback rattlesnake:



Well-Known Member
dam bru, my Gran is the same...fukkin Calvanist mofo!!!!! dancing is sex standing up, everything is a downer, fuk, the world might as well end right the fuk NOOOOOOOOOOOO!



Well-Known Member
Oregon struck down those laws as unconstitutional soon after MMJ laws were passed and some people sued to nullify those stipulations.
Won't be growing any outdoors, so won't be an "attractive nuisance" for kids, and FSM help any fool dumb/brave/desperate enough to come into our home looking for anything, as I'm home 24/7 for the most part, and can more than take care of business when the needs arise (always strapped, and at least have a razor-sharp pig-sticker on my hip at all times).
I'm fully compliant with the OMMP regs, and keep my grow card on the door to the grow area, and always carry my OMMP card on me.
The feds have bigger fish to fry than me, since I don't process bho, or sell any herb.

And that's my scooter in the pic (a 2013 Honda Metropolitan).
Raised the top speed from 36mph to 43mph so far, and have 3 more upgrades to go by the end of the year (probably sooner) that will bump it up to about 50mph (maybe more).
This winter I'm buying a decent airbrush kit & compressor, and will be doing a custom paint job on it.
Calling it: "Operation: Don't Tread On Met" ("Met" being short for "Metropolitan), and will be painting it as if it were a Western Diamondback rattlesnake:



Well-Known Member
Haha I cant tell if hes drunk, or this is the highest hes ever been lol. Yes Im talking about you!

"dancing is sex standing up" I suddenly have a good idea for a new alternative dance club.... Dont tell anyone.



Well-Known Member
whodat, we has 2 different types of meat tonight, one dutch long cures rib eye, the other was a filet of some god only knows heavily moo production from australia.....I am maxed out on Luxury Utility Units at the moent, but I Iam to exceed the humans limit and fuzzle ma brain wioth more of this UTILITY loves it all ways.xxxxx