all sorts of b-days this time of year... mines soon too. lol happy b day to 209 and whoever else!!
so ive come to ya'll good folks for some advice on training/topping a plant im having issues with... I have a plant from seed that mutated a bit while still young. It ended up having a couple of wierd nodes with extra sets on them. it caused the plant to grow out two main stems on its own as if it were topped, with two other smaller secondary stems shooting out under-neath and to the side, which ill most likely take off and maybe use for clones since this plant smells so good so far.
one of the main stems turned out to grow completely normal, while the other main stem kept growing out like a polyploid. i topped the polyploid main stem to get it to stop having crazy nodes. now its growing out about 5 normal tops from where i topped it, but, its shorter than the other main stem. i even topped the normal main stem and tried to let the mutated main stem catch up, which led to the "normal" main branch to having a nice set of 4 big stems coming out, and i even topped the 2 tallest ones on that to try and let the other stem catch up. so now ive got one taller main stem thats gonna have 6 nice even stems growing out, and another shorter main stem with 5 new tops growing out from where i topped it to correct it from being polyploid. problem is the one stem that was normal is growing faster and is taller. so now it would take some work to get both sets of tops at the same height for an even canopy. and im usually pretty good at that, but this one is giving me trouble. im racking my brain trying to make a decision on what to do.
would u guys just chop the shorter main stem and let the other, nicer, more mature, and more even growing stem go on alone and just have the 6 main tops? its what ive considered... but i cant help thinking that i could just leave it be and have much more tops but with some of them not being as tall and even. plus id be chopping off a big part of the plant...
i hope this aint too confusing... ill get some pics to try and show u what i mean as soon as i find my camera. heres a crappy paint drawing in the meantime.