And we get the keys to the house tomorrow by 11-am, or by 4-pm or 5-pm, depending on when the deed gets entered into the records by the clerk if it'll be done before or after the lunch hour.

And we'll be moving in starting on the 7th and finishing by the 9th.

Going to bring my computer & bass guitar kit over to have something to do while the flooring & carpets are installed, and will be taking pics & vids of the process as the work progresses.
Tomorrow night I go over after we get the keys and remove the wallboard from the wall to be taken out so I can assess the wiring needs to re-route power for some wall outlets & light switches when the wall is opened up. Going to run the romex up & over and through a conduit pipe hidden by a soffet I'll make over the wall opening.
Then get what I need at Lowe's on Saturday to finish it up.
Need to get that opened up and trimmed out so the laminate flooring will install as expected.
Hope you all have a good night!
I'll be doing more lurking & "Liking" than posting over the next week as we make a major push to get it all done on time, but will post updates as often as I can.