Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. So this sickness is holding on strong :( Was at the doctor cause i thought i should be better after 5 days on penicillin 2400mg/day. Right on, i was still very sick the penicillin did not help. So now i got some new pills and my stomach dont like em. Damn this sux. Broke my jaw in a fight when i was 16, never got it fixed, and it pops out when i open my mouth. Its like the infection has set on my jaw joint and it hurts damn.
Just called the boss to let him now. He was not exited.
Have to take the dog to the vet when it opens :( Last night he was sleeping in our bed when something made a huge bang outside. In the rush to get to us he landed with his stomach on the corner of the bed that sticks up. He cried loud and fast but that was it. Could not see anything with the stitches. But this morning i see to of them have ruptured and its like some inside stomach skin is trying to get out :(
So things are just fantastic atm.
3 more votes in the summer competition :) Keep at it Doobie :)


Well-Known Member
Thats terrible HG, sending some 600 vibes your way. It sometimes feels like shitty things happen in lil (or big) groups, hang in there man.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that Hydro hope the dog is ok.
@Whodat I saw some pictures of that Space Bubble in a TGA by others forum i think. That shit looks good were can I get those?


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that Hydro hope the dog is ok.
@Whodat I saw some pictures of that Space Bubble in a TGA by others forum i think. That shit looks good were can I get those?

Haha I posted them there,,, beans made by yours truly.

I miss growing her already :-(

edit: helps when your box isn't full ;-)


Active Member
I got a plant in the back that is an absolute monster. It is the reason that I can't move to my new room, because this plant is too big to move. It is only 31 days in & spans out to 4 ft. in a 20 gallon pot.

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Well-Known Member
Thx guys really appreciate it.
Holy crap fuck me. Just went out to check on my girls, sat down to look at the drying buds when i felt something pushing on my ass. So without looking i take my hand back and down to my ass. Oh guys i got so scared im still freaky. I just touched the largest beetle in Denmark. Ive never ever in my 28 years of living seen such a big beetle, irl. Its called Leatherrunner directly translated :) Its moving the cup around i caught it in. Guess you guys are laughing, but shit this is serious :D Just cause you got bigger beetles doesnt make mine less scary :) Phew give me a big ass spider instead.


Well-Known Member
Haha I can just see and hear it moving that cup around, for some reason that would crack my stoned ass up just watching it.

"I like beetles"

Haha look Doobies lil frog is riding this beetle around, they must be looking for his stash bongsmilie.

Awwwwww snap its too late! What happened to beetle? Frong must have "taken him out of the equation" when his armored transport was no longer needed. I knew that frog was a conniving mofo!



Well-Known Member
Oh shit I just noticed your keyboard has a "toke" button! haha your probably pressing it all the time.

Ok time for me to get outta here, yall have a good one :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thats a cool picture beetle and frog. Shit that beetle on his arm is huuuuuuuuuge :)


Well-Known Member
We all need a machine with a "toke" button imo. Hydro, I am sure your luck is going to improve, when things get that bad there is only one way, and that's up bud!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully things on the upswing. That looks like a good luck beetle to me. ;)

All you guys' buds are looking really amazing. I'm pretty embarrassed with mine looking at all your pics. Nice work fellas.


Well-Known Member
fucking waiting for the repair man for my boiler the bastards keeps losing pressure every hour, then off to pot the bairns up into 18ltrs

also only getting 4 rings to train them so my stretchy shity jack herer aint going in haha thats gona be a bit practice


Well-Known Member
I have got construction work to do and I just can't be arsed.....wife is busy painting the bedroom of the Young Lord who has yet to arrive, I am not allowed to help:( too slap dash by all accounts, lol.


Well-Known Member
haha a will be baked by the time this cunt comes and probs not be arsed my self but need to the day get it over and done save me watering every day just about


Well-Known Member
also dam next weekend cant wait,,

d what u think about me posting it to my address aswell as having it in my trunks when i come home!
just dont no how i would go about it and hopefully see a man about some dog haha....

also is it easy to get to rotterdam from amsterdam as heard the weeds much cheaper and probs still be cream from the shite they sell over here


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to hear of your troubles Hydro, but it is good that
you got the professional word.

I have a new favorite bug: Carabus coriaceus

They eat slugs!


I was looking, and was going to comment that they looked like they
could give you a pretty mean pinch, but then I found the video.

Onward and upward,


P.S. Oh yeah, and they screw, and they are terrible eaters.....too late? :0)


Well-Known Member
Læderløber (Carabus coriaceus)
Wow thats awesome you found that JD! Glad it did not pinch my ass. Looks mean. Im gonna go measure it when im ready, lol :)
Eats everything smaller than itself.
Does sound cool! Favorite eating is worms. Might wanna hang on to this :) Sounds like this would be great with outside crop. Keep it hungry and release the beast!! :D


Well-Known Member
Got out to a knocked over empty cup. No sight of it. Damn i wont be able to sit down on the floor of my room again :)