Club 600


Well-Known Member
Wow im getting a visit today from my dead uncle´s brother. They were some wild boys. Part of the original GreenJackets first mc club in Denmark. He got story's about sleeping with tons of cannabis. Before bringing it cross the border. lol
Last time we meet i told him he should drop by. I have a hobby he might like. Today is the day :) Feeling like a child that hopes dad will be proud, lol. :D


Well-Known Member
I've had 2 visits now from the po po and waas scared boh times but had relatively no drama. They come in and look around, sit on my couch with wifey and I and adavise us oof our rights and what could happen if things get out of hand and then they leave. They made me dispose of a few trays of clones once because it put my numbers too high if they rooted but that's about it to the best of my memory.

Sory you got visited Cali, I won't tip them off to your op anymore :shock:


Well-Known Member
Wow im getting a visit today from my dead uncle´s brother. They were some wild boys. Part of the original GreenJackets first mc club in Denmark. He got story's about sleeping with tons of cannabis. Before bringing it cross the border. lol
Last time we meet i told him he should drop by. I have a hobby he might like. Today is the day :) Feeling like a child that hopes dad will be proud, lol. :D
A Street Survivor! Cool! :0)

I hope that your day runs on greased wheels.



Well-Known Member
Some nice pron here today!

209 that sux that your neighbors are douches, and that the cops took stuff as well.
I am glad they didnt take you!


Well-Known Member
209, you neighbor needs to watch this little film:

It is very simple, they are "not getting along", not you.

Good thing you burst through it!



Well-Known Member
Doc says one bowl a day and that's my kind of bowl!

cali I'm also glad they didn't take you! It sucks man but that would be a much different story with allot of other people. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Cali that sucks but at least you still have some smoke and your freedom.

Here's the big bang I harvested today, then there is the silver berry and the last one is my j.h. still going.008.jpg009.jpg010.jpg015.jpg016.jpg014.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey 600, I kidnapped all of you earlier today for some country highway driving, twas fun you just dont know it. bongsmilie
I used the wipers before hand to no avail, bugs a plenty out here :-D



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the ride! It was nice to get out of this dry heat! The cows smell a little like fertilizer :) Where are we? Are we there yet?

I melted in the sun to get some pictures. This one is the best - Ace of Spades #6:



Well-Known Member
*1/2-oz of Blue Dream, 1/4-oz of Jack Herer Special, and 1/4-oz of Purple Trainwreck

And anytime I see cows in the pasture I think of Gary Larsen:



Well-Known Member
(was away from the computer)
I love that song!
I saw CSN on their first tour together after Crosby got out of prison.
They put on such an awesome show.
And Buffalo Springfield was one of my favs back when I was a little kid.


Well-Known Member
I was watching a documentary about the Sunset strip and they were talking about the kids in the '60s hanging out and being rousted out by the police. It became a riot and Stephen Stills was there and turned around and wrote the song driving back to the beach that night.


Well-Known Member
Pic uploader seems to be having a lazy Sunday morning, or a mash up Saturday night....3 imes I tried to uipload with no success. Time for a wakey bakey then:)

Goedemorgen mensen.