Club 600


Well-Known Member
I recommend putting a filter or paper towel over it, you'd be amazed how much dirt and shit will blow through there. I had a fly I had to remove like jurassic park


Well-Known Member
i still remember the first time i accidentally smoked cat hair. omg. worse than plastic. ive actually seen a bag with a cat turd in it somehow too. like a dried up one. eww.

my cat ate my stash man...

hope that jazz turns out good tho!


Well-Known Member
i still remember the first time i accidentally smoked cat hair. omg. worse than plastic. ive actually seen a bag with a cat turd in it somehow too. like a dried up one. eww.

my cat ate my stash man...

hope that jazz turns out good tho!
Yea..when that dude told you he had the shit you had to just go check it out for yourself didnt ?
Well. he had the shit alright.
When you asked him what strain he had did he tell you siamese or calico?


Well-Known Member

fan-f'ing-tastic. he thinks hes captain crunch... i can just feel it. just imagine how it would blow his mind if someone in a cape with a burger king crown on came in and sat down next to him... throw 2 people in there with dick cheney and richard nixon masks on and u got the stoner squad!
EDIT: i particularly like how the cordless phone is sitting right next to the base, not on it. that guy may have been there a while.

I was going to use a Shredded Wheat box, but Cap'n Crunch is way cooler.
Ahoy, matey!
Shiver me timbers!
I did briefly envision Jean Lafoote trying to take my ship and steal my precious cargo of tasty, sugary, corn-based breakfast essentials.
It did not go well for him.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jig - You will know when it is the right time. I think 3 months is what the doc said back in our baby making days. It all depends on the severity of the episiotomy performed during the delivery. Doesn't preclude having other kinds of fun :)


Well-Known Member
sounds such a promising hybrid, flavours will be off the charts with that one! i'm calling it now, this will be a hit for BB


Well-Known Member
Hey Jig - You will know when it is the right time. I think 3 months is what the doc said back in our baby making days. It all depends on the severity of the episiotomy performed during the delivery. Doesn't preclude having other kinds of fun :)
We got the green light from the doctor about a month ago. It's the wife is has literally ZERO interest in anything of any sort. I was hoping you guys would all say, oh yeah... my wife was like that for 2 months... but you guys have let me down, hahaha.

It's cool... that's what the internet was invented for. (ordering russian bride in the morning)



Well-Known Member
We got the green light from the doctor about a month ago. It's the wife is has literally ZERO interest in anything of any sort. I was hoping you guys would all say, oh yeah... my wife was like that for 2 months... but you guys have let me down, hahaha.

It's cool... that's what the internet was invented for. (ordering russian bride in the morning)

She might be self conscious of how things are down south now. On my last kid the dumbfuck dr didn't snip her in time and she tore. Not like cooch to the ass either, all on the sides and shit. The dr and I looked at each other before she started sewing and it was like shit where to start!? She actually had to go back in for some touch up work after she healed from the first trip! All is well in the land though.

Some girls are scared too that after kids sex will be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway or a bulldog eating mayonnaise! Luckily I have a huge cock and loose girl isn't in my vocabulary!


Well-Known Member
In case I ever wondered if I looked like a pothead... I now know I do. A guy who hangs out by our post office carving walking sticks called me over today. We see each other all the time, say whats up, but that's it. FIrst time we spoke. He's like "check out what Im carving" It was a badass mj leaf in the handle of the stick. He tells me the story behind it and all.. then tells me he's looking to sell it today. Says it's $50. Then he looks over and says "I'd do half and half too". Took me a second.. then I was like Ah shit... dude has me pegged.


Well-Known Member
You guys are so funny!

Jig - be patient - she will be ready in her own time. Just take good care of her and be all romantic and shit. You don't want a hit of baby milk in your mouth either - stuffs nasty!

Love the walking stick story!