Club 600


Well-Known Member
A illegal government has no authority to regulate anything.They may have the force to do it..but no legal authority
This is the plain truth.

The "is it a Fee or a Tax" trick that the Supreme Court pulled
just made this a Fee Country.


P.S. Sorry. I am ranting. I am just a dinosaur.


Well-Known Member
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Well-Known Member
For those casually following the Epic Rap Battles of History series, Season 3 just started yeaterday.

Here is the promo for it:


And here's the first battle of season 3:



Well-Known Member
Cinders, fess up dude, what's happenin, or happened?, it all went quiet your end. Good to see you aboot bru.
Aye, it went all wrong and ended up in tin pail ! To make it worse the daft brief got me out on appeal and now i dont know if im coming or going!
i was fly-grassed with a new neighbor, a move is on the card's and i'm already looking up some new kit, what else is there for it :roll:
Cheer's for all the like's and thoughts guy's, i'm lost without the girl's.
Just going to do some catch-up, hope i catch you about later D

Fek me whodat, those are frosty bud's man! Noice!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Appeals are good but they can do yer head in as well, all that waiting about for decisions when you just want to get on. Keep yer pecker up lad!!!


Well-Known Member
Keep em safe..KEEP EM SECRET.
Find the best lawyer around before you ever get in trouble..but if it does happen you are prepared.
I keep a lawyer on retainer.He also happens to be a judge.THIS IS REAL HELP FULL..LOL.
Me and my cronies have kept him busy for years now.(we can get a bit thuggish)Anyone fuck with us they get pooped on hard.Some times ,not very often, we end up in jail for it.
He keeps us out of jail...for a small fee:lol:
In my working class neighborhood we have had some problems with some drug dealers.Like meth and crack.MANY of them have seen the light and been encouraged to move.The cops do not do a thing about it (it almost seems as the cops are working with them and being paid by them,its crazy shit,the cops are worse than the criminals).But people get tired of their garages getting broke into and all the other bull shit that comes from these idiots.SOOO we formed a vigilante group and have been helping these people see the light about relocating to another neighborhood.
One just refuses to move.One of the neighborhoods largest burglary rings has been run out of this house by adults using juveniles to do the burglarys.
After seven trys they still havnt moved..i dont know how they can afford the glass.
Odd that the burglary's have come to a almost stop around here though isnt it?


Well-Known Member
Wassup 600,

Week 8 in the books. Flushing and watching trichs. Sitting at 65% cloudy, when they hit 80%, I will harvest.


Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
Does anyone know anything about MJ and cancer? A friend of mines mother just got diagnosed with a stage 4 brain tumor and I wondered if any of you knew anything about hemp seed oil, or whatever that stuff is. I've seen articles and such, but that's not the same as real info and I'm having a hard time finding good info. Let me know if you know anything... even just a story you heard.

thanks. :)

Nice plants by the way guys. Can't wait till my closet looks like yours james. Full of green!


Well-Known Member
I think your talking about rick simpsons "hemp oil" it looks to be iso from canna, no hemp.



Well-Known Member
So, without spending 3 hours watching those videos, can you tell me any steps to take, or any places to go for something to help?

I'm finding tons of things saying "Hemp seed oil cures cancer" and it all seems to be people saying how it works. None seems to say how to do it, or where to get it, basically what to do. I'm convinced already... now what?


Well-Known Member
Apparently cannabis contains 421 chemicals? So close.

The first vid is fairly eye opening you should watch it. Im guessing hash capsules with a high cbd strain would do best? Im no doctor or med canna genius.


Well-Known Member
Apparently cannabis contains 421 chemicals? So close.
HAHAHA... I don't know man... one of those chemicals looked mighty questionable... we should just throw him out. ;)

And yeah, I'm meaning Cannabis oil... not Hemp seed oil. I obviously don't know what's what yet.

And on a completely unrealated note... there is a dude in Iran who got hanged for some crime. Sent him to the mourgue and dude came back to life. The peeps in charge of punishment say the man will not be executed a second time. Lucky guy lol.


Well-Known Member
Because killing someone once should be punishment enough. He probably got hung for something ridiculous like,,, dropping a loaf of bread on a thursday.... Or something :eyesmoke: