Peeps will get a sticker and be happy with it,

....last year there was some right sorts, one guy I caught coming back a few times to nab freebie beans, he looked up and I caught his eye, he was like "they're for my friends!"....yeh righty, lol. I guess people expect to be given things when asked to pay 50 euros to walk around a warehouse with peolle trying to flog em stuff. Oh, but then they do get to go and see stoned rappers performing badly at the Melkweg venue. I really hope they have some normal bands this time who can play music when stoned as rapper have no clue how to rap when stoned, makes me think all these trees they claim to smoke is just bullshit marketing.
I saw these guys in Holland and just before they played this track they said they loved weed, but would be waiting until after the show to enjoy it as they wanted to play the best for their audience. Debate: Do musicians play better when inebriated?