That one at the very very very bottom? I agree! lol
Stickers stickers stickers everywhere
"Base Camp" washer,,, was too easy to mark the P into a B
So I got 11 females of each BnS f2, and Berry Bubble (?p x BnS) Ended up with only two males of the BB and about 6 for the BnS, I kept one of each.
The barrel is my fermenting co2 gen
Co2 bubble action.
BnS male
Berry Bubble male
Nibiru starting to cure nicely.
Clockwise from the top left is 73u first and second wash, 73u third and fourth wash, old cannoli busted up into small pieces (I want to re-press it), 45u all four washes, and a mix of iso bag wash powder with scissor hash.
73u first and second wash.
left is iso powder and scissor hash, right is 45u.
Delish first grade.
Goodbye hazy susans

I gots some new plans for the rooms.
Lastly, the poor mans chandelier lol
Later all