I swear cats just find their way into our homes one way or another.
Hope everyone had a good weekend. It's about over.
yeah ive spent part of it defending my self over in seedbank reviews over posting an email attitude slipped up and sent me when they probably shouldnt have.
they admitted to having fraud issues in a short email, which ive since posted after being pestered to do so against my will.
i only found out after trying to order for about 2 months straight, and finding out eventually that the bank wont do business with them at all. remember i said i thought the banks are "picking and choosing" what we can buy now?? i never believed attitude had fraud. but i asked them why the bank said that.
they danced around the issue. 6 emails of dancing around it. did u activate the card for international use?? crap like that.
finally after keeping on after them about it. i got an email saying this... Info @ The Attitude To Me
Dec 10 at 10:51 AM
Hi There
I think it is specifically us with issue but UK fraud in general. Next time you make an order please be ready with an International prepaid card or ensure your bank removes the block before you try to make the order.
Many Thanks,
-snip- @ The Attitude
*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*
i snipped the name because i wonder if id be getting someone in hot water for sending the email maybe. so these people are insulting me and calling me a liar!?
wow riu is nuts. this thread is the only reason(edit: club 600 i mean. and its offspring.) i even come on here anymore. seriously. i could say its the BB but i found it thru here probably. u guys are such different folk from those trolling the seedbank and strain reviews. wowza they are insane. even the mods.
you guys should seriously see it, i mean i blew up a bit. but dang man. wtf? i just tried to help. geuss thats a crime these days. u should see the insults ive gotten. and u guys see i can type away with the best of them.

btw i wonder if tool is being ironic it that song. i have the special 3d glasses cd of that.