Club 600


Well-Known Member
you got some nice plants going. they cuts or you buy seed at some pont. i was told to night i would have a GSC cut coming from Port Heron MI. i hope it come through:mrgreen:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I just remembered that my last harvest was cool and dry. 6 days of drying and it was too wet for jars.

So I think I'll be fine.

Does anyone else have a hard time checking trichs under the HPS?


Well-Known Member
There was a quote from one of the local High School Headmasters near the Leidesplein and she was basically saying that the rule is completely stupid and he students are also not that stupid. She also commented on how good the coffeeshop were at checking ID's and that if he students wanted to buy MJ then they would just walk a little bit further to another really is fukkin ridiculous. And they let teenagers buy alcohol at 16 over here (beers and wine - I assume Cider as well)....nuts really.

And oh my frikkin god, how bad is the customer just doesn't even bear thinking about. You go into a shop, stand at the counter, the person behind the counter looks at you, continues doing whatever stupid task they were doing, disappears behind into their stock room only to re-appear 5 minutes later looking at you like you are a shop lifter, then finally grunting, Hoe kan ik je helpen! You could start helping by not being so fukkin rude you prick! It's one thing that make me hate this country. I find it totally strange as Duchies are generally quite friendly. Pay them to do anything and they just turn into sour gits!
crazy that they don't want anything near the schools like they are serving the kids at lunch time ffs! i bet there are a hundred places you can get booze from though?.

sometimes the dutch can be as bad as the english with their decisions on law. not quite but still this conservative government seems to be going hard lately

and by far the worst nation in the world for customer service, that i have been to at least. even the chinese beat the cloggies and that says something.
did you watch the whole video?? im confused you know they just go in your jar right and regulate humidity.
You are confused, not as confused as me, lmfao...I did watch the video but didn't pick up that you just added them to the jar:dunce:lol. I was looking at them thinking, 2 zips in that tiny packet, fuk off ya dick, ahahaha...what a tool I am.

I just remembered that my last harvest was cool and dry. 6 days of drying and it was too wet for jars.

So I think I'll be fine.

Does anyone else have a hard time checking trichs under the HPS?
Everyone is terrible. I take a small cutting and scope it on the desk.

I don't use scopes, but then I was told at the HT Cup (by a Danish guy) when he looked at a couple of bits of my weed under his scope he said "too early, "too late", and then at the dog erl..."too green". I didn't want to get into an argument about it but I take my plants down when the flowers look ready. I also didn't want to remind him that some sativas never get amber, some hybrids (the sour kush/headband) I grew, also practically never go amber. WHY WOULD YOU APPLY A STRICT RULE TO A PLANT THAT HAS SO MANY VARIATIONS????......that would be like saying, all bike tyres should be pumped up to the same pressure, or all grape varieties should give exaclty the same tasting wine. Ask yourself this the next time you are checking your trichs...have I checked every single trichome on this plant? No, I am checking a small section, and even then, if your plants got enough trich on it like it should have, it's almost nigh on impossible to count them. I do giggle to myself when people make statements like...the trichs were 20% clear, 60% cloudy, and 20% amber...really? you counted them ALL? lmfao.

Excuse me, I have been up quite a while and only got a baby to talk to so I am a bit loopy today....surpised I never just typed. googoogagagoo

Oh, and I have managed to kill a whole load of!


Well-Known Member
honestly i bet for eery 4 plants that get pulled i have checked 1 and once i run something 1 time i never bother to check it again, just make adjustments on the length i run them based on how i enjoyed the smoke 1st run.


Well-Known Member
the guy with the scope probably didn't know shit about growing besides what he read...kind of like the drug counselor that "knows" all about addiction yet never was an addict.


Well-Known Member
Nah, the guy owns a grow shop in the centre of a city up in Denmark and has been in the business 20 years he said...which surprised me even more about his scope comment. That's the thing about the HightTimes, it's kind of like RIU but in real life, Evey fukker thinks they know best, and people can be really quite rude as well. I use to think it was just the internet, but it's just life! Funny moment I just rememberd. Don and I are at the booth front and a posse of the RareDankness crew arrive, (MrRD wasn't there) but Mrs RD was at the front of the group. She was looking at our catalouge that we had on the table, peering down over her nose at it, Don got a jar out to give her a sniff and she just totally ignored him. I tried to pipe up a convo with her and mentioned RIU and she just kind of grunted and then left....I really thought, what a rude person she was.


Well-Known Member
I had to go through phone verification with youtube, and had to then activate the video since it was so long.
I didn't notice that they'd defaulted to "private".
I thought computers were supposed to alleviate mankind from tedious repetitive tasks!?!?


Well-Known Member
wow and now yet another story of another "breeder" that leaves a sour taste in my mouth and puts them just a couple notches further down my list of companies to give my money to.

That and all the questions regarding the supposed origins of the og they use ...was it a cut oh wait some pollen sent by a "friend"

your right people are douchebags everywhere.


Well-Known Member
sorry Doobs, didn't watch the whole video but I did like the bit where you said, "and here's the manual, that I will PROBABLY read", yeh, ok, lol.......I always read manuals! NOT.

Urban, I have to say, that I saw her other half, who in this case I would call the "better half", and he smiled and acknowledged us so there is hope yet for mankind:)


Well-Known Member
Very cool imagery in this vid that ponders what each viewer prefers when comparing the results garnered from a 35mm SLR that uses film vs. a 35mm DSLR when mounted side by side so that each camera is capturing the same (basic) image:
