Whodat, can I ask how much you paid for your chiller please?
Goedemorgen jongens en mesijes...
$270, free shipping and a 5% coupon. I have made DIY chillers in the past that worked really well, but this is much cleaner and accurately controllable. Recommended for 13-40gal / 50-150L, I would say thats accurate for a grow room with ambient temp of 80, my system holds 30gal and it got the water to 60f before I ended the "test".
Cold water is a must in dwc.
Edit: ah but I bet you want it for water cooling your lights eh, I have not looked into that really.
The battery backup is golden.
That is the one advantage of the physical type of times otherwise,
that they do not need power to hold settings....but they will still usually
restart their own "clock" when the power comes back on.
I am appreciating your sharing the process Who. I have been interested
in RDWC as a next step in the future.
The hard part for me is parts. lol, seriously it is all about the lines and
connectors. I would need to control costs to the degree possible, but would
need very reliable materials.
That's what I like about my tubes... little chances for error or leaks.
Jig is right, JD, the tubes are very simple. Only reason Im not going the tube rout is because I want to grow some giant plants,,, and giant plants need giant root structures!
No leaks in this system

just gotta do it right.
JD, one thing I really like about growing is designing/drawing up grow rooms and systems, if you want I'll help you figure out a system for you.