Club 600


Well-Known Member
When smoking alone, I pack bowls that I know I can take in one rip. Sometimes when smoking with my buddy, we'll smoke from my bong and it has a large bowl. It's hard to tell how much I'm putting in so I say Fekk it and pack it full, lol. Then I let buddy take the first rip and he just lights the side of the bowl and takes a little rip. I try to smoke whatever is left but always fail to clear the bong. I have to pull the bowl again and blow through after.


Well-Known Member
His bong has a tiny bowl on it so he's used to taking little hits. I like taking little hits when smoking socially too. It's more chill than every few minutes having someone making a bunch of noise or hacking or something.

But I also find sharing a bowl to be about the same as sharing a joint.


Well-Known Member
I only take green hits so I guess I don't really care who/what comes after me. My whole life I've had a habit of putting the lighter over the bowl after my hit to extinguish it, habit from the old days when I actually ran out of weed. I can't remember the last time I didnt have weed (years) so I'm dumping partial smoked bowls all the time. I feel bad when I dump it out cuz I hear all the broke stoners cry in my sub conscience!


Well-Known Member
DST i just spent my bday and bday alone. i dont have to look for guys; i just need the right one. i have had m0vie stars and athletes after me. instead of flaming me, they should be nice or shut the fuck up, these guys were digging up face pix and posting them. not cool. not cool at all. i'm a great friend and a TERRIBLE ENEMY.

remember that
Since you already slammed me I'll just go ahead and throw out my limited impression of you. 1. You seem really full of yourself. 2. You try way too hard especially for (see #1) You have some obvious self esteem issues because you want everyone to know just how desirable you are, all the time. My wife is a hot blonde, about 9 years younger than you AND an RN making 100k. So if its any consolation to you, I most likely wouldn't look twice at you on the street :) i.e.: "get over yourself" Hey, thats just what I see though!


Well-Known Member
I bet you will. Vertical is the only thing keeping me from going LED right now. I can't afford to buy multiple fixtures that would work for vertical growing and I love vertical for the extra yield. I would really like to set up the amphitheater octagon deal I made again and run vertical after this round but won't be able to if I switch.

I mainly want to switch for the energy savings. That would be the downside to running vertical for me is I will not get the lower electric bill I'm looking for. I will get more bud though...


Well-Known Member
Well... I think I am running about 1900-2000 watts for all my grow junk. But that is two spaces. The 600w cabinet and the 400w tent, AC and Fans etc.. All hempy.

More bud is always good. If they ever make a really great vertical LED tube thingy I would probably be tempted more...LOL

Got some LEDs in the tent. 21w par 38 white 3k color temp



Well-Known Member
Well..... She used the same screen name. Any Google search will turn that up, so I am guessing it was not hard to dig stuff up on her.

I think Flaming Pie was right... This is NOT a dating site and mensa would do better off looking outside the forum.

Can we forget this non mj bs and get back to the weed now?? ;-)


Well-Known Member
It adds up quick, that's for sure. I'm running E&F and use an 80 watt air pump for the res. I bet between the pumps, fans and lights I'm running close to 900 total watts. I bet I could save $30-40/month by switching to LED lights. That doesn't amount to much weed


Well-Known Member
Nice buckets SomeGuy! :)

The cab is looking nice.
Thanks Jig. Its even more overgrown right now. Its been almost a week in flower. The tent is busier too but Im not updating till they start to climb vertical in there. :smile: STILL a ways to veg with that one. Still have left overs too if you are interested in trying again. (wink wink) lol

Hope you guys are all better. We LOVED del mar and will go back. bubba touched the ocean for the first time and my girl boogie boarded for the first time. :smile: So much fun. We bbq on the hotel deck at sunset watching the ocean and then ate artichokes, scallops, spare ribs and salads. :smile: Went to the gas lamp the next afternoon. I really love San Diego man.

....and thanks for the buckets!!! :-) They are puurrrrfect. LOL (see what I did there) LOL
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Well-Known Member
Sounds great! First time most things are awesome :)
Cant say its the first time ive smoked this kind of cashmere but i still find it luxuriousawesome, nam nam. :) This is going into the collectibles i plan on sending overseas by mail. If i put it inside a sextoy, and send it as gift, im good right? :)


Well-Known Member
At least describe my beauty. Sheesh. Did i mention i pull almost a g per w?
Oh, mensabarbie. What are we going to do with you? I am sorry you had a crappy birthday. Maybe it is best that you reboot yourself here. Use a username not trackable to your real life by anybody with access to Google. That was not so mensa.

I missed the drama in your TNT thread last night. I was however, the "first responder" with the pithy message of "in before the close". It was pretty obvious that the thread was going to have to close, you see. Not sure what happened but it was clear from my perspective that no good would come from your thread.

Girl, what's going on in your head? Your user name alone is enough to make any non-douche man run for the hills. Barbie? In LA? This is the worst idea I can think of - until you tack a Mensa on the front. Ok, I get it. You're smart and sexy. So why do you have to go and hide behind two awful clichés? You would be better of going by the name smartnsexy IMHO.

Were you born out there in El A? I suspect not. Your profile makes me think that you were drawn here by the image. How's that working for you?

Rethink this shit. You are turning off every decent guy you meet when you lead with this crap. Tone it down. Show some depth. Totally rewrite your dating profile or you are going to continue to attract every guy you never want to meet. Something in your posts leads me to suspect that you may actually have a soul - use it!


Well-Known Member
I liked it when her "soul" threatened to send attack "niggas" to hurt everyone, then she threatened to turn her ex bf "ef bee eye" agent on everyone. She kept going on and on about how she has a 143 IQ and we are all idiots, and she was hot, and were ugly, she had a lot of money and we were broke asses, etc. She was incredibly abusive and deserved her slice of humble pie. All class.

Now, back to the killer 600W grows.