Club 600


Well-Known Member
You need to get off the internet and meet some real people. Go back home. LA isn't for people who are lonely. And talk to a therapist, like tonight or tomorrow. And that's for real.


Well-Known Member
Your family & friends would be heartbroken if you weren't there anymore, mensa.
Do as jig suggests and seek out a professional to talk to about the ways you're feeling.
And I'm sure your attorney can suggest a company that offers an Online Privacy Protection service where they will scour the internet for your pics & info and automatically send Cease & Desist notices to the websites with your unlawfully posted personal info so that you're less likely to run into trouble down the road.
At the same time, if these people continue to post your info & pics, then unleash your attorney on them and let him/her do what they do best and go after the guilty persons.

Just don't let the trolls win.
And you can shut down your grow & regroup yourself, or use your current grow as therapy, and give them all the TLC they deserve as you sort through this temporary mess.
And it is temporary.
Tomorrow is worth waking up to.


Well-Known Member
Do you even grow bad plants gigs? I swear there are a few people on the 6 who just knock the ball out the park every single time. As much as I'd like to be a part of that group, I have some real shitty grows mixed in with the winners. It's cool... we can't all be perfect.


Well-Known Member
Do you even grow bad plants gigs? I swear there are a few people on the 6 who just knock the ball out the park every single time. As much as I'd like to be a part of that group, I have some real shitty grows mixed in with the winners. It's cool... we can't all be perfect.
Lol sometimes I have some that slip through the cracks but they tend to do ok just disappointed in the end. You knock it out of the park with hydro. I'm not so hot with that. I know soil like the back of my hand :D

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Harvest Critical Sensi Star. Amazing tops on the plants. Very big. The secondarys were ok.

Was really annoyed how much larf I had left on the plant tho. Could of been an ounce per plant in just airy buds. I think I needed to trim the undergrowth more.

Left the thin shit on the plant and that will be turned into cannabutter monday or tues. Unless I can use turkey bags to make the butter in. Is there a liner you can use in a crockpot?


Top Tier is One plant and bottom is the other.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
they look delicious pie :)

why do you want a liner for the crock pot?

and use that turkey bag to decarb first....also lecithin is very important for budder imo.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Cause I don't want to ruin the crock pot. I need a big ass crock pot and my mom is he only one I cN borrow.

what is lenthin?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
you won't ruin the crockpot pie...I use the wifes all the time :)

I think I decarbed @ 180f for ten minutes or so..I think

lecithin is the key to the magical kingdom of medibles. It's an cooking additive.

here is fumbles' advice to me.. she is one of the best medible makers on here imo. Plus she's just really cool

I trust her advice 100%

  • For 300 grams trim I use about 3 glugs around the pan of liquid lecithin. But I don't use it until after the cooking process, when you are melting the butter back down...

    I don't think there would be a difference with the gas oven, but you can add a couple minutes to the time to compensate if you want. Yes, use dried trim. If using a crock pot, it needs to have a warm setting, not just low and high. Low is too hot and could burn your butter. If you don't have one with a warm setting you can do in oven at 185f overnight.

    After your decarbed trim has cooled...for 300 grams trim, I use

    Melt 16 sticks butter in crock pot insert. Add your 300 grams and stir well until all coated. Add enough water to cover by an inch. Seal tightly with foil and put in oven set at 185f, or crock pot with warm setting. I put it in before I go to bed around 10 or 11, then shut it off when I get up around 7. Let cool a couple hours, or until cool enough to handle, but not too long.

    Set up a collander over a big pot, or use a pasta pot with a steamer insert, Line the collander/strainer with several layers of cheesecloth. I squeeze the butter out in small handfuls as you will get more butter back out of the trim than doing it all at once. Just put the handful into a big ziploc (i will tell you what to do with it later
    after you squeeze all the butter you can out of it. Do this until you get down to the last couple of handfuls, then you can pour the rest into the cheesecloth. Gather the corners up and squeeze the hell out of it. You can just put it in the ziploc when done.

    Now is when you take the pot of butter/water and stick it in the fridge. When solid, take several layers of paper towels and lay on counter, have a couple more handy. Run a knife around the edge of your pan to loosen the butter. Carefully tip the pan over the sink with your hand on top of the butter to catch it - the water will come gushing out lol - drain as much as you can out of the pan and remove the butter block, lay it down on the paper towels with the side that was toward the water on the towels. Take your other paper towels and push and blot any excess water off the butter block.

    Using a sharp knife, cut the butter into smaller pieces for easier melting and add to dry pot, melt over med-low heat. (This butter is strong enough that I add 4 more sticks of butter here) As it is melting add your liquid lecithin, about 2 to 3 glugs around the pan. You can make it without, but you will def notice the difference. The lecithin is the key to the magic kingdom
    You can find it at any health food store or larger grocery stores' health food isle.

    When all melted down, pour into containers and put in freezer. Take out and use as wanted.

    For the stuff in the ziploc, keep it in the freezer until you want to use it and take out as much as you need at a time. You can use it to make milk or cream. Just take some and make a cheesecloth bundle and soak it in the milk or cream over low heat. DO NOT LET BOIL. I let it simmer for an hour and shut it off. Then just squeeze as much milk/cream out as you can and toss it. You can use the milk or cream to make hot chocolate, mac and cheese, ice cream, etc

    Let me know if you do the dry ice hash and I will show you how to utilize that​



Well-Known Member
FP - there are liners for crock pots but you really don't need one. I use my crock pot for making butter sometimes and use it for cooking stews and shiz sometimes. The inner component of a crock pot is stone ware that shouldn't ever stain or have anything stick that won't come off. Mine cleans up pretty easy after


Well-Known Member
A slow day in the 6, so...
... tool pR0n?

Always need one when you don't have one.
Now I can cut off the original handlebar weights on my scooter and put on the spiffy custom ones I bought a few months ago.


Well-Known Member
I have that exact same dremel doobs!!

and yes it is a slow slow day here in the 6, I'll throw up some pr0n


she should yield well, or so I hope lol.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna start with butter and then figure it out from there. Haha. Prob caramels first.
Butter is simple. I make a shit ton of budder and oil. Here's some 1g cookies I just made. I really think oil is much easier then budder but it's probably cuz I don't like waiting for it to separate lol. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I've been making edibles for quite awhile now.
