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Zen, I'll be trying Al B. Fuct's get a harvest every two weeks method of growing as soon as my two week old mothers have grown up enough, I figure another month. I have nine days left until chopping day. It's finally cooled off enough for me to take my tent out of my grow room and put my babies in there. Friday night they are going into the tent. It's still rather warm today and will be tomorrow too but then it cools off, so friday night it is. Once I put them in the tent I'll reduce the light schedule to 20/4. I started growing for the same reason, too much money for shit weed and taking the chance of getting busted on the street. I built a twelve site cloner and with three mothers I should have more than enough cuttings to take a dozen clones every two weeks. I plan on having no more than twenty four plants under each light. All I want to do is grow a lollipop on a stick so I'm using half gallon grow bags to start and if they are not big enough will switch over to gallon grow bags. My mothers will be kept in two gallon smart pots. I only need it to last four or five months until the heat of florida sets in again. I'm trying to build enough of a stash to not have to grow in the heat of the summer here, july, august and september.

Maybe I'll do a sativa grow with one light during the summer?

Killing Fields sound awful good to me cof.


Well-Known Member
can some one post a link to the Al B fucts harvest thread, i used the searc bar but the thing is such a piece of shit and never works the right way for me


Well-Known Member
Zen, I'll be trying Al B. Fuct's get a harvest every two weeks method of growing as soon as my two week old mothers have grown up enough, I figure another month. I have nine days left until chopping day. It's finally cooled off enough for me to take my tent out of my grow room and put my babies in there. Friday night they are going into the tent. It's still rather warm today and will be tomorrow too but then it cools off, so friday night it is. Once I put them in the tent I'll reduce the light schedule to 20/4. I started growing for the same reason, too much money for shit weed and taking the chance of getting busted on the street. I built a twelve site cloner and with three mothers I should have more than enough cuttings to take a dozen clones every two weeks. I plan on having no more than twenty four plants under each light. All I want to do is grow a lollipop on a stick so I'm using half gallon grow bags to start and if they are not big enough will switch over to gallon grow bags. My mothers will be kept in two gallon smart pots. I only need it to last four or five months until the heat of florida sets in again. I'm trying to build enough of a stash to not have to grow in the heat of the summer here, july, august and september.

Maybe I'll do a sativa grow with one light during the summer?

Killing Fields sound awful good to me cof.

man i hear you. here in texas we have high temps pretty much from like the begining of may till about end of sept, middle of oct.,every other two years it may go into november. thats why i got me a tent, and set it up now. because i dont want to stop production when it starts geting hot to set the tent up.but yea man, perpetual in my opinion is the best way to go if you are a constant, or heavy smoker, and especially if you are commercial. i just like the idea of something, anything coming up every two weeks. the only drawback is that every other weekend you are kinda busy, but its worth me, ya know.
as far as grow style i love to top now. usually at about three or four nodes, usually four though. it also so helps at those times that you either dont have a mother, or are in between mothers, no pun intended. i just let em veg out and before i switch them to the sodium light i just take one or two cuttings from each one. so if i have ten clones vegging with three to four nodes i know that i will have ten to fifteen cuttings going into the clone area when everything shifts to the next stage. but ill tell you this once you start, and you see that you wont have to wait that looong two, possibly three months a pop, you wont go back. but thats just my opinion. i have two lights on top of four screens, with 18 pots under each screen, so every other weekend i am going to very busy. right now i have about 46 going. a mix of some northern lights(indica and sativa pheno) and my blue venom. i want to do a Power Kush perpetual journal next, got me one growing now, and as much as i want to flower it, im just using it to make me some mothers, ive topped it so thats one out the way and its got about four nodes so that will be about four more clones from her and then ill flower her. so untill then im growing everything i got out so i can start with nothing in the room but the kush and maybe one of each of what i have going now. oh yea im kinda long winded guys, so my post get long sometimes, again no pun intended.



Well-Known Member
can some one post a link to the Al B fucts harvest thread, i used the searc bar but the thing is such a piece of shit and never works the right way for me

Get a harvest every 2 weeks

A batch of clones in rockwool

Al B. FAQt

i saved these when he left the site, my suggestion is that everbody that sees this to do the same. they are all awesome threads. and it goes way, way past the perpetual thing as far as useful information goes. Al was a very special type of person, very unselfish with his time, very eager to help, and always answered everybody's post questions. but you'll see when you check them out.


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Here's the thing for me zen, I don't want to be tied to my grow all the time nor do I want a shitload of plants in my house. You live in texas, you know about the heat and you know the southern bible belt kind of frowns on our little hobby. I should actually keep it under twenty five plants, anything over and it's do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, they have no choice, you're going to jail, that's the law here. I'm not a commercial grower nor do I ever intend to become one, this is a labor of love for me and also to not have to buy crap off the streets. I'm more into sharing what I grow. I'm not against covering the cost of the grow, but I don't do it to make money. I had a partner but things kind of went sour so I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel and I was not prepared. Like the good boy scout I never was, from here on out, I'll be prepared to depend on me to keep me in smoke. I have a two week into flower clone of an og18 x skunk going and also nine other plants that will be under 12/12 in another week or less while I wait for my prospective mothers to mature. I am more of a sativa person myself, love the head highs, I guess that makes my sickness mental since I only grow medical herb...well it's my medicine. I have quite the collection of sativa beans going, jock horror, malawi 99, laughing buddha, super silver haze, neville's haze, hawaiian snow, sour cream and soon, killing fields, oh, I do have one bean of the killing fields but I'm waiting for sannie to send more. I also have some morning you can see, I do like the sativas.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a commercial grower nor do I ever intend to become one, this is a labor of love for me and also to not have to buy crap off the streets. I'm more into sharing what I grow. I'm not against covering the cost of the grow, but I don't do it to make money. =quote]

"well played my friend, well played".


Well-Known Member
Ive posted in the 400 watt, but was done with 2, 400's. Is this double posting? shoot me if so. Here is some rhino from a while back. she turned out frosty as could be, but put you to sleep asap! def for the insomniac.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
That's weird. I ran a 1000w last time and had buds within 8 inches of my bulb with no bleaching. There was one tiny spot of it, and that was about 6 inches from the outside of the bulb. I did however have things in a homemade cool tube... maybe that makes a difference.
ive got a 440cfm 6in high output canfan and A/C, so my light and room is plenty cool. my temps get down to 63F and havent gotten over 83F in the past 3 months. some of mine are getting real bleached, to the point that the top calyxs are white/yellow...:sad: also when i move the light higher one of my hangers doesnt connect right and cant hold one side. so now its set to an even height and some have to suffer for now. might have to use a screen next time around.


Well-Known Member
This is the fourth grow vertical for me, and I have only had a tiny bit of bleaching in the past, or singed colas when a fat plant has fallen into the light. I also have the option to tie back as I can hang a screen down each section quite easily. So it doesn't worry me at this moment.

ZEN, an old school poster in my very first thread. Welcome!

I met my 3rd 600 RIU member today, and smoked some mighty fine weed! Thanks Mr West!

Take it easy guys, night.


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I had planted 12 regular seeds being three each of four varieties and upon flowering I got 6 boys and 6 girls. What's odd is that there were three girls of the same variety-as in no boys and one girl each of the other three varieties. These are motarebel's seeds and it's my first time with his products, so it's a learning game, but so far they have been easy to grow. They are just starting to flower as in maybe 10 days of 12/12 so I will post pics as they come available.



Well-Known Member
Hey peeps whats good. Just got my captain cave man veg cab semi operational and snapped afew pics of the vegging Doggies.




Well-Known Member
I met my 3rd 600 RIU member today, and smoked some mighty fine weed! Thanks Mr West!DST
Now that's what I'm talking about....two people who enjoy growing...meeting up to smoke some dank and share tips and shoot the shit .....the hobby we love isn't something you really talk to co-workers about........I work construction...It's just me and another guy 5 days, 40 hrs a have no idea(I'm sure you do) how bad I just want to tell the world when harvest time comes around.


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BLZ BUD at the start of week 8....was pumping nutes up to 1000-1200ppm the last few waterings to get every last drop of goodness.....Use General Hydroponics full line up=3 part Flora Series,Floralicious Plus,Florablend,Liquid Koolbloom,and just a shot of Diamond Nector......Had a significant amount of leaf burn but the buds weren't affected(except for swellage)....prob gonna back off on the high nutes next run...BLZ didn't like it too like half strength....Doing a little flush tonight then a light dose of nutes next week then final flush.


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a few more

The Headbands 1&2 also my clones from the cloning tutorial in recovery mode after gettin wilted under the first day of the vertical room.
coming along ok. Going to transplant the yins in the cups and 4" pots this weekend and add a 600 agromax veg bulb and get these ladies rockin. finally all utility inspectins cleared and my cave is on constrution mode again.

The bare bones veg cab

And a few of the flowering ladies in the vert room

A few are getting close. going to make this room my mega veg room/breeding room as i cant run much juice at all in here. A damn shame too. Its nice and handy to tend.

Thatsh all for now my friends. Have agood night. peace 1BMM