25? I thought the target was 30, Bud? hehe...j/k. How the hell are you chopping and I am still watching the grass grow lol. These dogs got about a week to go, 9 weeks on Friday. The other Deep Blue can be taken now but probably won't be, and the sour kush x cali orange at the back is still putting out white hairs, that's been getting water for the last 2 weeks, I think I could have grown it without any feed at all, real light muncher she is. Stanks really really nice though, citrus lemon fuel.
Someone ask about pellets

Here's some Blue Pits, Deep Blue and Fireball male>>

Moody cab shot>>

Deep Blue>>

Sour Kush Cali Orange close up>>

lights coming on>>


And I moved my Blueberry bush (not very bushy at the mo) inside my greenhouse as it was being munched by a flying critter. Twice I have gone out to the greenhouse to find said flying critter, inside and flapping about steeling my Blueberries. Not much I can do (I am not killing it), I actually thinks it's pretty awesome. I have moved the bush 3 times, and each time the wee dude finds it. It's getting into the greehouse through the auto vent (temp controlled window that opens wider as temps go up)....sorry, was hard to get a pic.

At least it's not eating my toms......
Peace, DST