Well-Known Member
That's some "taint" weed! /\/\/\
As in: "T'aint it purty!"

As in: "T'aint it purty!"

The set up looks pretty good. My only concern.... is the table strong enough to withstand the additional weight of mature plants?
Or bug on bug crime ( carnivorous bugs that eat the plant eating bugs lol) but wait forgot about waste and matter never mind.... INDOOOOOOOORFoliar feeding keeps bugs away - or so I have found this last run. The MJ plants I have outside have all been treated and are the best looking plants in my garden.......
So an interesting situation arose. Some people here know I have like zero tolerance. I smoked for many years then quit for many until about 3 years ago when I decided to bring it back. So for whatever crazy reason these last 3 years I just could not smoke more than one hit without having massive anxiety. 1 hit got me so so high it was crazy. Then last weekend, BAM! It was like a switch flipped in my brain that said oh ok you can smoke now. Not only did my tolerance appear over a 1 day span, it came back with a vengeance! First time I smoked today was 5pm. I smoked a full bong load, which was about 5 hits and felt almost nothing!? I wouldn't even hit a fucking bong a week ago! Ugh totally fucked up my forecast of how much weed I needed to get through to harvest. Now that I've gone from 1 hit a day to 5 bowls... Weird shit I tell ya!
He's half blind on the same side eye so has a kinda perma stink eye face too!And yeah don... Dad's got instant street cred with the scar. It may be on my back, but if anyone sees it, I just tell them it was from the knife fight I was in. Shoulda seen the other guy. hahah
You quit big rig to get back into toking papa? Right onI quit to drive big rig going back is like staring over from the beginning 1 hit and im out
Thanks!!nice plant..welcome to the 600.
Cool big is that space?Here's the Hericheese clones and the Peacocks from seed. I potted them up yesterday and brought them to my place so these pics are from after their first light cycle in the vertical room. They're on an 18/6 light schedule for at least another week but I will veg them in here for two to three weeks if I can. I will probably put the peacocks on the floor but it depends on if I get some more clones or not. There's a chance I may get my hands on some killer looking clones
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