Club 600


Well-Known Member
I think you could even do bars like mine just hung vertical in the right space. I like engineering Dez... LOL


Well-Known Member
**reposted from my journal just for you guys**

so... Thought you guys might get a kick outta my outdoor..
very back is engineers dream and its tall. next is dog that is tall and lanky like an og. closest is the deep psychosis bush. Those three are about 3weeks in flower. The other little two up front are extra ak47 clones I threw out there this weekend.

I like my ghetto greenhouse. Keeps things a little private there on the side of the house.

Looks like my yard use to damn, neighbors!


Well-Known Member
What I'm picturing is one wall in my flower room with some shelves on it and a screen (5'x7'). If I could build an LED setup that would light that up well, I'd be stoked.


Well-Known Member
Im of the mind that anything is possible. :-)

That pic is deceptive oldman. side of the house is really pretty clean and tidy. In about 4wks it will get smelly though...LOL! I almost always have to cut outdoor a bit early at my place because I dont want the smell overwhelming my neighbors...LOL


Well-Known Member
I could still use the posts and hang them vertically in front of that wall. I think it would look really bitchin and know exactly who to get my advice from regarding training my plants into said screen, lol. I'd have to invite my good friend Jigfresh and his family down to give me some tips at filling in my screen. Hell, I'd like to do that anyway.

Jig, are you lurking? Let's set up a day for you guys to come down and I'll BBQ or something. Veggie something or other for Heather. I remember, lol

Well, I'm off to Newport Beach to hook up with the wife and kids.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to say something about the distance but I figured it was better that you learn for yourself. I think the plants get confused because the light is intense but not hot. This makes the plants transpire less and grow more fan leaves for shade. Subcool says that he gets more fan leaves, bigger stems, and he needs to feed them more often. He also got burning on the tops because the lights were too close. I fried a seedling under the LED once.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to say something about the distance but I figured it was better that you learn for yourself. I think the plants get confused because the light is intense but not hot. This makes the plants transpire less and grow more fan leaves for shade. Subcool says that he gets more fan leaves, bigger stems, and he needs to feed them more often. He also got burning on the tops because the lights were too close. I fried a seedling under the LED once.

Yeah... I noticed there was not tons of growth as expected and a little sickly looking.. day after pulling lights back up a bit the growth boomed. I think you are right about the heat vs. intensity. I think In flower they can get closer but not while vegging. Plus... probably never closer than 8-10" without getting some bleaching.


Well-Known Member
I love dairy Queen, we had them all over in NY, also had dunkin donuts, haven't seen either here in CA though.

Those leds really interest me but seem so expensive to buy, but I'd imagine you recoop the extra money with the low electricity costs. They seem like they would be great for veg.

I had minor clear slime on a couple of my cuttings in my bubble cloner, so yesterday Idid a recon to fix the problem, I put the cloner in the dishwasher, ran hot water and bleach through the water/air pump and let the clones sit in a mix of h2o2 and water to disinfect, then I recut all the stems and cut all the roots off. I figure if they died I could take new cuttings, but I didn't want to waste the slimed ones if I could save them, since the stems weren't mushy and they look completely healthy.

They looked like crap all day yesterday, but today they perked back up, I think I saved them :) I also had a new pack of funny colored neoprene pucks, figured might better use them to make sure I have every angle new and disinfected

Hope everyone had a awesome weekend.



Well-Known Member
I'm all chuffed and stuff. Went on youtube to find a video for you guys and saw that at least two people have made playlists of my grows. :)

And upon further looking... I'm a fucking twat who never uploaded the final 4 weeks of my LED grow on youtube. So there you go. From high to low real quick haha. I'll get that uploaded and share.

Here's Week 2... you guys can see how I mounted the lights.

Week 4 with the lights taken down so you can see the plants


Well-Known Member
A large hummingbird buzzed my plants on Sunday while my buddy was visiting (the one heading off to Colorado in a week to be with his daughter who's mom & new husband are also moving to Colorado).
It swooped down in on the girls and then almost straight up about 12 feet looking at them before flying off like a shot.
We'll be adding hummingbird feeders to the back yard next year.

Saw this little volunteer waiting for the sun to warm it up so it could go get it's morning snack...

IMG_8814.JPG IMG_8814b.JPG


Well-Known Member
I went to a BBQ smoke off and brew fest over the weekend, great times for sure. The people I went with and have had my BBQ said I could win with my slow cooked BBQ chicken,,, and I tend to think the same.
I think I'll enter next year :-) I love grilling and drinking craft beer all day!