Club 600


Well-Known Member
Damn gen, that sounds top notch too!! I can't wait, only 7 more days and then I don't have to put a limit on how many strains I can have :D I'm gonna have to get some of these beans, it's been a rough few months having to limit my self to only a few strains at a time, it's way too easy to go over a 6 flowering plant and 6 non flowering plant limit


Well-Known Member
Yo 600!! Those root riot plugs yall recommended me to try during my bubble cloner failure.. Worked!!! I kinda forgot about them, it's not much, but see the little root nub!? I'm pumped because it's my tangilope, and I don't remember if I told you my light fell on the mother and snapped it in half? Well I tried cloning her in the root plugs to save her, and it worked, I'm freaking stoked :)



Well-Known Member
Can't wait for that, Dr d, so impressed my first attempt took root! I'll have to get a dome and tray for them next round 8-) sorry Dr amber, that blows, I wish I could have let u know, but I wasn't aware of the height of the light :/ are they salvageable? Perhaps trim off the burnt parts? Hope they finish fine and it's not too bad


Well-Known Member
it's who you know not what you know eh bud :P

sorry about the bad news doc, was it the double adjustawings or that other beast light fixture you had? hope they are salvageable, she was a nice looking plant. :(


Well-Known Member
That's it Ghb lad, I just been thinking is it a stinker aswell cos when I have done blue it did and my last dogs just proper stunk haha....

Could do with a couple pips to grow and sex for few cuts for a run to start after my next ones go in end this month


Well-Known Member
it's the strongest smelling weed i have grown bud. my mate complained that it stunk so bad he had to keep his 4 grams in the shed, cause even in bag in a sealed tupperware box it stunk his entire house out. i gave him cheese to compensate so that kind of tells a tale about that. the clone onlies can't hang i'm afraid, i still keep cheese cause it is a great all occasion smoke and some noobs can't handle the kush.


Well-Known Member
il invest in new filter and that this time round or sum new pellets and refill the filter i have that ona gel i just got the apple crumble
works a treat like but just when my dehumidifier is on it drys up quick in the tent


Well-Known Member
where do you run your exhausts to? i used to use dehumidifiers in my tents but not had one for a couple years now and i haven't encountered any problems, the power i saved allowed me to throw an extra 600 in there lol.