ghb, don't know if you mean cock as in, the blokes a right cock, or as in, the top boy of the school?

At my school there was no point competing, too many rich peeps. We lived in the scheme end of town and rocked a placky tree forever.
It's funny, the wee Yin is quite chilled and a lovely little boy, until he isn't getting his way (maybe all kids are like that though). I am confident he'll hold his own at school though, his Mum and Dad are both into Martial Arts so he'll no doubt get pushed into something, I started Judo at 8 and no one fukked with me at school without landing on their arse pleading me not to break their arm.
Funny you mention the Bonds Jimmer. My Mum bought my Nephews Post Office Bonds (as well as all the others Yins in the family), and lately they have changed them and she can't get them she was telling me. My step-niece bought her first car with the bonds from my Mum

But cash does rock a kids world. I was more interested in envelopes as a teen that presents for sure. A present was a jumper that wasn't quite in fashion, lol (what a miserable wee cunt I must have been, lmfao).