Club 600


Well-Known Member
And where else could I go to tell my gf will probably beat me up for eating all of her chocolates :) seriously though, if you don't see me around tomorrow you now know why, so freakin good!
Alpha you do love living dangerously don't you.
If I take my wife's chocolates my ass is grass.(not the good kind)
The 600 should make a "home grown grow room" how to book.
There is an amazing amount of talent here.
"Club 600":clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
After each set of clones the perlite gets rinsed in vinegar water. then dried then soaked in water again then rinsed to release the vinegar. perlite lasts forever like this. just get a ph around 5.5 - 5.8 when done and you are golden. remember low light for clones so a t8 with 13 watt bulbs is perfect at 1 ft above them. They need to no try an go into flower mode so jsut enough light to keep them in veg state while roots can grow. they drink threw the leaves so a mild foliar feed is good. Kelp is huge in this process,
The kelp was actually my issue with clones. I've always used it for my clones to help keep them from getting fungus from the humidity. My clones would root but the day I would remove them from my dome they would get mold on the new growth.


Well-Known Member
Very Nice^^^^^^
To all of the 600 past the date line, Merry Christmas!

I've been so busy I just remembered to check my final grades for this semester and not as good but still all right. My overall dropped to a 3.75 but I got the job I wanted, so now I just need to finish. The funny part is I got an A+ in english comp, youall see my fu$%ed up writing skills. My girl swears I was getting my prof. high. I better get to bed it's been 23 hours and man I forgot how hard this work shit was..........I still have a dog that hasn't been watered in 7 days because I was going to harvest it 3 days ago, but she still looks sexy................


Well-Known Member
Lol @ Oldman I hear ya! My ass is grass and she's the lawn mower lol. I'm with ya on the home grown book, I started something a long time ago and was almost finished and my computer crashed and I lost 100 pages of how to material :( but if everyone contributed we could easily put out a book in no time :)

Very nice plant Flkeys, bet ya can't wait to harvest that beauty!

Jimmer, 3.75 is freakin great brotha, that's very good and glad ya got the job you wanted, you'll get into the groove and it'll be less draining the more you're there, just gotta reset the work odometer and keep trucking :) Lol about the English, I suck at writing but I was the same way in college , wasn't sure how I got the grades I did, especially logic and statistics, but that's all I do now is day trade stocks so it ended up actually being helpful, who woulda thought :p


Well-Known Member
I have written 2 novels, and a reasonable chunk of a 3rd novel. Contemporary Modern is what my Mother in law calls it. The themes being youngsters taking drugs, having lots of sex, and getting up to no good in general. My plan is to eventually write a whole series spanning across a group of peoples lives. Each book is written from the perspective of two of the group, then the next book, a different 2. Until the last when all the remaining character will have their perspective told. My first book is called Parental Advisory, due to the fact it is based around the time when CD's started getting those Parental Advisory stickers put on the covers (as well as the actual content of the book). Unfortunately I have not done much to get the books fact, I have done nothing. The fun for me was writing them. Maybe one day I'll extract the digit and do something with them.


Well-Known Member
The kelp was actually my issue with clones. I've always used it for my clones to help keep them from getting fungus from the humidity. My clones would root but the day I would remove them from my dome they would get mold on the new growth.
After they are rooted mix 2 tablesppons milk to 1/4 cup water spray them good let them sit with top off and then they are good. But they have to be rooted. The little bit of milk will kill any mold trying to grow.


Well-Known Member
Howdy Peep's, just in to say high and see what's cracking this Chrimbo.
I set my grow back a couple weeks with moving and wanting to take clones from em all. But kept a little of that SSK for tomorrow. ( if you havnt saw it check my link, great GENetics ) and managed to pull another little bit from the guy I gave the seeds to :-)
On a sadder note I had to pull one of dgt's selfed dog pips, nuts allover early doors! But needed the space anyway, especially with the Jakes dreams being fem and looking great, ( still to clone that when I think! Today!!! Lol )