Club 600

Which fireball should I pop doc? You gave me 3 diff ones. 1 that says fireball f3, 1 that's fireball 4 f3 I think and fireball 8 f3.

I'm bout to drop a bunch and pheno hunt.
I know the f1 & f2 honeybee will put out lots of purple phenos....
The ones doc made I have no idea,what did the male look like,what females did he hit?

The fireballs f1 I made,the f2 Dst made....

Anything after that,you have too see what male was used,and to what female...

The purple honeybee I ran for 2 yrs was very potent,with a deep hash smell to the smoke..knock out purp.
Giggles any of the f3s the onr i ran was fucking great so much better than the f2 girls i got. I just got lucky with the males.

Gen i love the fireballs i see the potential now i smoked a nice female. I have no idea what will come of the f3 honeybees. I wanted a nice purple one but will take what i got:)
I know the f1 & f2 honeybee will put out lots of purple phenos....
The ones doc made I have no idea,what did the male look like,what females did he hit?

The fireballs f1 I made,the f2 Dst made....

Anything after that,you have too see what male was used,and to what female...

The purple honeybee I ran for 2 yrs was very potent,with a deep hash smell to the smoke..knock out purp.
The #2 was lime green with a bit of purple on the leaf tip and really stocky growth. Taste and smell were sweet like sugar. The other two moms i would pass on popping. My other two girls i pulled just didn't have the smell or high.

And giggles i forgot you want the fb#4 x fb#2 and fb#4 x fb#8 both dads have done well.
The #2 was lime green with a bit of purple on the leaf tip and really stocky growth. Taste and smell were sweet like sugar. The other two moms i would pass on popping. My other two girls i pulled just didn't have the smell or high.

And giggles i forgot you want the fb#4 x fb#2 and fb#4 x fb#8 both dads have done well.

Ok cause I'm bout to pop like 60 of them lol.
Hope you're not snowed in oldman, heard a big one was heading through ny..again... All my friends kids are happy with the snow day though :p
Snowed in locked down and freezing my arse off...
Thanks for asking though. We have about 14" and they are talking -20f tonight then the
cold will come, upstate like when I was a kid. (lol) Cross country skiers going down
the street and kids bumper riding cars.
Plants are taking over the room I'll need a machete to trim. The fairy did me great! :clap::clap:
got them all FIMed saturday.
Here comes random!
Two tents one exhaust diy newb solution :)
Bubblegum's got their last feeding. Gave them topmax a few days ago and it seems like it triggered a bunch of foxtails on three of them.
Pakistan Chitral Kush.
This snow is dangerous. Doing a 180 in front of people in town when its not on purpose aint really funny.. Its been mushy all day but now its minus 5c. Gonna be minus the next week with snow everyday :(
Always warm in the grow room tho so i might just spend my week there :P
NoMoMaranoia! ;)
I'll worship like a dog at the sight of the light! Bx2
Tied down some of the dogs. Have the fan blowing from middle floor up into the light. Makes air bounce back around the plants and makes the hood move around abit, destroying hotspots :)
12/12 starts tomorrow! Yihaa
Have anyone tried a powerball gyro? I got one from a friend a few weeks ago and damn its nice. Ive had problems with my left wrist ever since a doorman broke it. The powerball have done wonders. Normally id get pain doing push ups or doing hand stand, but now i can get tired in the muscles before pain in the wrist.
Ive had one of those gyro balls for years. Maybe 15 years. Love the thing. I have strong forearms.... and not just from my other favorite activity lol

Speaking of snow... my wife got stuck in the blizzard in chicago. 6th worse on record i guess. She slipped on the marble in front of the hotel and broke her arm poor thing. Spend the night in the hospital. :( Spare a thought for mrs. jig she'll need surgery later in the week.
Snowed in locked down and freezing my arse off...
Thanks for asking though. We have about 14" and they are talking -20f tonight then the
cold will come, upstate like when I was a kid. (lol) Cross country skiers going down
the street and kids bumper riding cars.
Plants are taking over the room I'll need a machete to trim. The fairy did me great! :clap::clap:
got them all FIMed saturday.

That sucks! I remember the storm of 1994 (i was like 10), it completely covered the cars, I have a pic of it somewhere, reminds me of what hit buffalo now that I think about it -Keep stokin the fire, spring is just around the corner brother :lol: At least the it's paradise in the garden :)