Club 600


Well-Known Member
I guess I did not hit post last week for this Jurple..

This is the black sheep of the Jurple family and it looks like it might just be the purple Jurple I am looking for.
Leaves are very different then others and I noticed even the underside of the stems on the leaf have purple..
Let's hope it's a female.. Course a male would not be a bad thing...

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Well-Known Member
hey anyone. Does xanax make one drowsy?
Oh yeah. And forgetful of the night you take it plenty. The peach ones take a couple to really get going. Blue "footballs" are better than the peach ones. Then the triple stacked white ones aka "poles", "totem poles", are the strongest. be careful and don't drive! I've wrecked 2 cars on Xanax. Got in fights, partied, did all types of shit I never remembered, but was told about by friends. You will also sleep your ass off on them. I've been out 16+ hours multiple times.


Well-Known Member
What up jig and crew bongsmilie I'm still in NorCal living on the ranch. My girl and I are doing good, and the start of the outdoor preparations are fast approaching :-) I got the go ahead to grow 5 plants this year. Only 5 so I gotta get them big :-) my first real outdoor attempt so wish me luck.

Since it's only 5 plants I gotta go with clones :-( I got lots of beans I'd love to run through. Still haven't decided what strains to run with,,, I'm weary of getting something from a club worried it's just gonna be BS.

Any who, will keep ya posted as things progress.


Well-Known Member
She's a keeper figgy!
And yeah, he was spot on about the xanax, I've had some moments years ago on them. Don't drink and you should be OK (might make you sleepy, but at least you won't end up in another state pumping gas naked)


Well-Known Member
Ativan is much less potent than xanax, they are both benzos (anxiety meds), can make you sleepy as well, but the xanax much more. I used Ativan for my anxiety for a little while and xanax for fun years ago