Club 600

Any word from Doobie Brother or Alpha Phase lately?
I'll be planning the next grow now and I'm thinking about some Secret Valley Purple Pineberry
and Ceres White Indica any other suggestions for some real short flower period plants?
Both of those flower approx. 50 days.
I was thinking maybe Top 44 but haven't seen it in a few years. Any other short period Indica
anyone can think of?
21 days from flip
View attachment 3360546

One of the plants I'm most interested in is a uk cheese x blueberry, reg seed off a friends breeding project a decade ago. Found 3 pheno types before and 1 is just something else, think I have that something else flowering now, very short, tight inter nodal space.....hope so as I only got one seed left of this cross.
Looking real nice numberfour, all the girls in prayer. :clap::clap:
checking in from the fridge.... :)

trip is off to a good start. Asked me to volunteer for a later flight. They waved my extra bag fee and offered me a gift card. $500 in my favor.

ita not in my hand yet so well see.

edit. Nvm turned out I'm on the same flight. Still saved $100 on my bag and got 10 pound voucher.
hey hydro, what are those nifty looking things? They look like adjustable anchors to train the plants...where did you get them and how much were they? They look ingenuous to gradually LST down. That dog looks super healthy, excellent work. one of my Dog x Honeybees looks very similar, must be a dog leaning pheno