Club 600


Well-Known Member
I discovered that I don't have enough soil to up pot them all so I'm going to do what I can, starting with the little ones. My buddy is already stopping at the hydro store on his way home for rooters so I'll have him pick me up a bag while he's there. I'll be able to finish up tonight or tomorrow morning.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Smelly Cherry X Lemon Larry OG X Chem Valley Kush.

AKA Sweet n' Sour @ 10 days 12/12.



This one (#B) looks like it's gonna go purp, a pink hue that's very characteristic of the Smelly Cherry's influence on the 'Fingerez' plant has set into the pre-flower calyx already.
The dominance of Smelly Cherry genes in it's crosses is very obvious.


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Well-Known Member
It was the main for the neighborhood and the company working down the line spiked something to blow it. By the time we got back from the store for cold cuts and ate dinner, they had our power back on hurray lights on! mmmm hash I've been out of that for a bit, something tells me I may find some in around 17 days lol. Kong porn wouldn't load up on my phone wife jacked the laptop lol.


Well-Known Member
Sorry about your transformer MD, hope you get it up and running soon. Maybe this will cheer you up. It's not what it looks like!!! Epic dog toy fail, thank you to Kong dog toys for this rated x picture

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O shit Alpha I about pissed myself on that one. I can just see the double take before the picture "What the,what the fuck you got"

The seed tent only lost maybe an hour of light and the 600 lost about 3 hours, all in all could have been much much worse. Holiday weekend and no power all weekend would have sucked royally, would have severely damaged the current run. Moving on hehe, I filled in the wife on what I got done this week, took like 4 hrs LOL, she had a headache and went to bed, I guess it was all just too much for her. Only an hour past her bedtime lol, but she is on board with everything and fully behind me! In my defense we had no power at the time I started talking, eating by candle light. Still didn't get some LOL, O well it's all good, she had a long ass week covering for everyone at work. Plants, hash and buds are looking top choice as always boys and girls keep on rocking it, you are inspiring many along the way. Peace - Be Safe MD