Club 600


Well-Known Member
Damn! I love Pepsi, I don't drink soda too often but I do like Pepsi. My favorite soda is orange cream and sarsaparilla but I can never find it. I think it's by a company called Saranac. So good! Pringles too? I used to like those but haven't really had a craving for them in a long time. My weak spot is burger King. So unhealthy but I love it, so I'm glad they aren't on the list


Well-Known Member
Damn! I love Pepsi, I don't drink soda too often but I do like Pepsi. My favorite soda is orange cream and sarsaparilla but I can never find it. I think it's by a company called Saranac. So good! Pringles too? I used to like those but haven't really had a craving for them in a long time. My weak spot is burger King. So unhealthy but I love it, so I'm glad they aren't on the list
Double Whopper with Cheese, oh and chicken fries are back...


Well-Known Member
wow my mind was just blown. WTF happened to this country!! Call me crazy but this isn't what the country was founded for. How can the same company own the majority of so many food companies. How can it not be a monoply when they own coke and pepsi? I mean damn, that's like 90% the soda on the shelves. No wonder the rich get richer and exert more control.


Well-Known Member
Then add on the seed companies they own, and there is no where to run from sterilized gmo fruits and veggies and cereal and milk and the list goes on I am afraid to say. We use only organically sourced or heirloom seed varieties and our own seed we have collected from 20 years of growing. Nasty my 14 yr old dog got the old bitch farts tonight, she can clear a room on a second damn. O yeah and don't let any one pollen molecule get on your crops and they will own you and ruin you for life, due to them having unlimited funds to fight anything they want any time and for any length of time cause there mad rich.


Well-Known Member
Oh I know that! They even had 10 chicken nuggets on the dollar menu for a while. I had a friend that worked there when I grew up and he'd make so many creations. There's a hidden menu at bk too that has some good stuff. My favorite was always a chicken tender sandwich, it was chicken tenders (they don't have them any more though) on a bun with lettuce and tomato, was $1 back in the day, really wish they would make those again because the chicken crisp doesn't compare. Whoppers are my 2nd fav 8-) even their frys are way better now

Double Whopper with Cheese, oh and chicken fries are back...


Well-Known Member
Lol @ MD my dog cleared the room a little while ago, sooo gross lmao. I hear ya about the Monsanto stuff, really freaking sucks there's corps out there like that. I never go to Walmart anymore, I try to do the mom and pop shops if at all possible. Can't stand big biz running hard workers out of biz. I even changed my rx place from rite aid to a mom and pop. Let me tell you, rite aid took 3 hrs to fill a script. My first time at the mom and pop, new customer, in and out in 11 minutes. And got a magnet. Turns out the girl there shops where my gf works too :)


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody I have a pee test in about a week (don't currently have the exact day). I was wondering if anybody could throw me some tips on how to pass a pee test?

I've done a lot of research online but i'm curious as to what you wise old stoners have to say (:

20 years old, 175lbs (not too terribly much body fat), i lift weights and walk/run a few miles a day. Last toke was 4/2/15 had a little bowl before i went to bed. Obviously i'm not going to be toking until the test, but what are some things I can honestly do to help my body detox faster and then things i can do to dilute my pee a bit when the time comes? I had been toking a few times a day before 4/2/15, i'd call myself a pretty heavy user.

Is there even any way i could honestly pass a pee test in 7 days anyways? I woulda stopped toking when i brought my resume in but its a job at a hydroponic store so i didn't really expect there to be a test.

Any input would be genuinely appreciated!
14 - 2.png
(Just a pic of my favorite plant i've grown so my post is less boring, although its a crappy pic)


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing the test is BS if it's at a hydro store!
I was thinking that but at my interview they seemed like they honestly like to keep a tight ship. Good nice people, but with a tight ship. They said they had staffing problems in the past so it wouldn't surprise me if its just some "quality control." They probably wouldn't mind me toking, i'm assuming they are really just testing my discipline considering they gave me over a week after my interview for the test. I think thats them kinda giving me my chance to pass


Well-Known Member
A lot of times the test is being required by the business owner's insurance company. I can get cheaper insurance rates if I submit employees to random screening. I was informed of this when applying for general liability insurance. I only have three people listed currently as employees so I don't worry about it.