Club 600

Yup she sure does, after not having a shower for 15 years, my gimpy ass built it & I will shower with anything I want to .....within reason LOL. First tile job ever for me too, love you tube!
the pheno I have been running for a while I cut at 8 weeks 3days if the schedule is right. I got some others coming through just now (about to harvest) that seem real nice - as I lost all the blue pits to customs.
Really off topic but does anyone do car audio systems - need to know if I should fire the kicker to the front or back in the trunk of my convertible? 3 -10" JL's wired in sinc to a 500/1 mono, the rest gets is own amp! Thank you and back to the normal porn and fun stuff LOL.
I went back through my notes and found the father that did the widow - White Widow X Skunk Wreck - White Skunk Wreck Widow?
Really off topic but does anyone do car audio systems - need to know if I should fire the kicker to the front or back in the trunk of my convertible? 3 -10" JL's wired in sinc to a 500/1 mono, the rest gets is own amp! Thank you and back to the normal porn and fun stuff LOL.
You can do either, but I always prefer rear facing. You get good reflection from the rear of the car. And next time make sure you don't forget the B in the middle of the JLs ;)
I am very very very Sorry Figgy but...I spent 3 years putting the system together for my Regular Cab Ram plow truck, I like to feel my music..I waited 3 years to find the 1 mono amp......And again Figgy remember I did say I was sorry - I run JL Audio - NOT JBL See. Thank you very much I will be facing it to the rear, to not shock my amps with the sound waves!