And yes I totally knew who everyone I visited was, Sorry! Thank you All SO MUCH!!!!!!! You all inspired this 5 - 3 gallon trash cans on devices, with 3 more Psycho Killer 3 Gallon trash cans, and at the end 1 5 gallon and 5 3 gallon nursery pots with seeded girls all in a 4x4 tent bare bulb 600 watt, micro grow that will net me 4 solid months of Medicine So I Can Walk and Work. water, food, light - It's that easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can never thank you all enough, I am just getting started. Were going to Fill that handicapped section that was empty this year, Not next year - That's all ours I will make it happen! Somehow! You never know what I will do next!