I offered stuff I created too.
I never asked dude for anything, he realized I was local to him and inboxed me.
I found out he was on riu also and invited him to our club.
I thought dude might be cool but just in case he does show up, he's the same dude that tried to tell AP not to go over a certain ppms with the glue, just before the shut down.
Im not even mad, I just really find all this hilarious.
Back to putting in work. Making edibles this evening. Pics later.
You know when I was a youngster we had a saying I don't know where
it started but it's still pertinent "We have to share yours 'cause we done
shared mine" I know Jerry Garcia used it but he didn't start it.
Weed is the love drug and it scares me that it's getting lost in it's popularity
now. This is why I have found a home with the 600 you guys still have heart
and I salute you all, my family I just found.
Mediocrity is as terrible as cancer it just eats away all that's good. The only
best grower is Mother Nature the rest of us have to take a backseat.
It is my choice not to have social intercourse with people who think they are too
good to share their knowledge with me.
I met a grower today who when told what I grow and why, simply turned his back
to me and started a conv. with someone else. I asked another friend whats up
and he said I didn't meet his standard of grower.
Keep the faith, share the love.