Club 600


Well-Known Member
Happy Sunday Morning Boyz and Girlz of the 600 Club, how the hell are you all doing.

I tried booking a hotel the other day, didn't read the fine print sucked to be me that day LOL, Priceline is not the best thing almost a year out from when your staying, there low rate constituted full payment, not what was advertised "pay when you stay" so had to cancel that whole debacle and still awaiting a charge back to my account. Figured out I can book the room on the hotels website and not get charged until I stay, but I am still waiting for the charge back just in case LOL.

Sour Kush x Deep Blue & Lifestar a couple of each have cracked and are in dirt now, Tangie's are a few days behind them. I should have some baby pictures for you all soon I hope, There being held at a friends house for me, but i am in charge of the care and feeding so I hope to have no issues this small run. I am going 12/12 from seed, hopefully get all girls then take some clones, and keep these going as moms down the road. That's the plan we shall see if it all works out as planned. I hope so never grew any of theses strains out so I am excited for the experience. If you all have any play time in on these 3 strains please let me know, any information is greatly appreciated Thanks. Well off to make the wifey happy, Peace, Be Safe, MD.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to tell you AP. I slipped you some acid a bit earlier. LOL

But seriously... a friend of mine when we were 16 slipped me acid in my drunken sleep. He shook me awake and told me to stick out my tongue. Two other friends were there and said they couldn't believe he was doing that. I asked them why the fuck they didn't stop him. A couple hours later they couldn't find me in the house and I had somehow gotten to my car. I was only in my jeans, had taken off my shoes, socks, undershirt, t shirt, and sweater, and I was laying like Jesus, arms spread on the hood of my car, passed out. They got me up and walked me back to the bedroom to go back to sleep. I jolted up about 2 hours later and took off to drive back home. My mom was waiting up for me that night. :) Good times.

Earlier in the night I had been so drunk I would cry if nobody was holding my hand. This was after they found me closed off in a closet with 2 - 40's of mickeys thinking I was drinking Mountain Dew. That was after about 7 shots of Tequila, a few shots of rum, a few of vodka, about 5 bongloads, and two chicks asking who made out better with their new tongue rings. FFS... no wonder I'm such a wreck sometimes. The amount of drinking and drugs I did at such a young age couldn't have helped.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit jig! I'd have died probably, I don't do well tripping, I've tried shrooms many times with a majority of the trips I felt awesome for 20% of the time and the other 80% thinking "this will never end". I'd have kicked someone's ass for slipping acid to someone unknowing, damn that's crazy! I'm with ya on drinking and drugs in the early ages, my body would shut down if I did the things now I did back then :p


Well-Known Member
Just leave them at this point nyc. Unless there is new pollen they will just finish forming and will form bud over them.

If there is nuts then I'd remove.