Club 600


Well-Known Member
What's oui mean?
Yeah operating under the influence.. It's a broader term to include weed and other substances also covers things other than driving I presume (DUI)

It's a term that helps extend the long dick of the law into your guts a little deeper

I didn't blow, and the cops even said in the report I was helpful in the process and caused no incident, had no issue walking.. They never even saw me drive.. Were going off a witness from a McDonald (who my lawyer destroyed on the stand)

The DA had five witnesses come in (four cops, mcdonalds manager) they all said I was polite to them the whole time but was going off the managers assumption I was drunk and had open containers (which I ditched) she was going off an employees assumption that I said suck my dick.. Really a buddy ordered a blowme and cheese sandwich. So once she was cross examined and told she had changed her story and the legal repercussions of lying under oath all her answers were "I don't remember (recall)" from there on out. Couldn't even remember the truck I was in (agreed it was a small white BMW).

Burden of proof!


Well-Known Member
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Been awhile RIU. Here's my 1 Skywalker OG at around 8 weeks from flip under a Lumatek 600w HPS in a 3x3x5.5. Flush and ripen mode activated this past Sunday. Never grown this strain before and she went phucking crazy. Next round should do LOADS better. I do kinda dig the colas in the background ;) Keep it green ya'll


Active Member
Gow big of a hood is too big for a 600? I have one that is like 24"x24" and 2 that are like 12"x12" that i used last and the coverage wasnt so great. Can i use the big one with a single 600? Im at about the max sqft for a 600 so i think be bigger hood would help? Just need somebody that knows to nudge me