In honour of Jig, sometimes known as Rodriguez (although not today

) the girls have been flipped to 11ish/13ish. Well, actually it was about time, lol.
Tomorrow I am picking up two new 600's and will give the tubes a clean....been putting that off. Didn't think a bit of dimming down in veg would hurt, certainy doesn't seem to have. These have been on a strict water regime...water, water, and then water with some molasses (just the once so far though. Also fed the soil with nematodes and about to stick in some predator mites just for giggles (I got some packs in the fridge I reckon the y need to be used). Poor mites going to struggle to find anything to munch never knows though. One day it's warm, next day it's freezing so who knows what the weather patterns are bringing in.

Fireball that fits in that slot just there^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Removable Dog getting ready for shexy shexy time with Fireball male.....
Deep Blue.....I was going to donate this to a shopfor a display but I am not sure yet......
More cab
backend shot of FB
Clones, few more are showing roots....slightly warmer temps have definitely helped.
okilydokily, thats me. OOT, peace, DST