Club 600

Wally, that I like, very funky.

yeah, i think it fits us.

the youning like dubstep cause it fucks the ears and they ears are strong. the older fellas though, ears are a bit worn and dubstep becomes to harsh.

this song is easy dub, classic reggae style. anyone who blazes secretly loves reggae.

additionaly, the only lyrics are something like, how do they do it, making it look so easy. and thats us, we grow that kill and we make it look easy!!!
this shouldnt be the theme song, but my friend sent me it and i like it

I don't remember if I posted this in the thread or not, so if I did, forgive this old stoner. So I tried turning my fan for my lights around last week but I had too much slack in the ducting, sooo, the other night I got a wild hair up my rear and shortened all my ducting and turned my fan around so it's sucking cool air in from the attic and blowing through the lights and into my bedroom where it's a comfy seventy two. My canopy temp is staying right around seventy eight/nine and my room temp is seventy three with forty one percent humidity, perfect. I am one pleased camper.
I don't remember if I posted this in the thread or not, so if I did, forgive this old stoner. So I tried turning my fan for my lights around last week but I had too much slack in the ducting, sooo, the other night I got a wild hair up my rear and shortened all my ducting and turned my fan around so it's sucking cool air in from the attic and blowing through the lights and into my bedroom where it's a comfy seventy two. My canopy temp is staying right around seventy eight/nine and my room temp is seventy three with forty one percent humidity, perfect. I am one pleased camper.

wow. wow, you are a fucking genius!!!!
yeah, i think it fits us.

the youning like dubstep cause it fucks the ears and they ears are strong. the older fellas though, ears are a bit worn and dubstep becomes to harsh.

this song is easy dub, classic reggae style. anyone who blazes secretly loves reggae.

additionaly, the only lyrics are something like, how do they do it, making it look so easy. and thats us, we grow that kill and we make it look easy!!!

I'm sorry, you're going to have to speak up, I can't hear you.
I'm sorry, you're going to have to speak up, I can't hear you.


lol, so, i wrote a prayer. i dont want to offend anyone but i believe in god, woohoo. anyway. here it is. you can take it or leave it.

when you feel good you do good
when you do good
good does you

when you feel good you do good
when you do good
good does you
gods you

when you feel good you do good
when you do good
good does you
gods you
I have smoked way too much today, and that is why I'm now smoking some more. Took a small piece off of the one last lemon skunk bud I have left and it oh so tasty and mild, cough, cough. Had a really good round of golf today, only lost a half dozen balls, shot a 473 and none of the seeds I threw out on the golf course came to fruition or the groundskeepers know a good thing when they see it. I did however end up with a half dozen oranges. This course sits off a big lake and it has a few streams snaking through it, on almost every hole there are a several orange trees just loaded with fruit for the picking. You can tell the real good fruit trees, the people who live and golf there have them picked almost clean already, damn shame I forgot to bring my camera.

And whodat, thank you sir, I'll be picking up some myself.

And for those who have never seen a mature orange tree bearing fruit, they are loaded.
I have smoked way too much today, and that is why I'm now smoking some more. Took a small piece off of the one last lemon skunk bud I have left and it oh so tasty and mild, cough, cough. Had a really good round of golf today, only lost a half dozen balls, shot a 473 and none of the seeds I threw out on the golf course came to fruition or the groundskeepers know a good thing when they see it. I did however end up with a half dozen oranges. This course sits off a big lake and it has a few streams snaking through it, on almost every hole there are a several orange trees just loaded with fruit for the picking. You can tell the real good fruit trees, the people who live and golf there have them picked almost clean already, damn shame I forgot to bring my camera.

And whodat, thank you sir, I'll be picking up some myself.

And for those who have never seen a mature orange tree bearing fruit, they are loaded.

youve inspired me to take up golf this spring

also, that lemon skunk sounds good. can you tell me more about it? i think i'd like to get some!!!
Iv never used the liquid before so I cant say.
I just use the powder because thats what the "witch's recipe" calls for ;-)

thats what i ordered, or atleast that what im goin with. i called and they didnt pick up. i left a message, "hey, i want some of your stuff, hit me up, peace."
I have smoked way too much today, and that is why I'm now smoking some more.

^^^^This needs to be on a plaque.^^^^

Oh, and your golf outing reminded me of my trip to catalina.
Had a great time even though I got jumped the first night "avalon". I like two harbors.
As soon as I got off the boat I smoked me a nice bowl and had a luke warm Becks and fell into vacation mode for the duration.
Also playd nine holes of golf and did pretty well for someone who hasn't hit a ball in three or four years and beat my older brother who plays several times a week. "icing on the cake" lol he actually got pissy lol.
leaving the island.
This is how I grew my lemons. I started them in jiffy pellets, then into party cups and finally into half gallon grow bags. I wanted to keep them short, they were too short, so I cut the bottom third of the grow bag off and transplanted them into two gallon smart pots and they got to be about thirty inches. I don't use a ppm meter so I can't give you that info. If I remember I gave them a few extra doses of 5-1-1 fish emulsion when in flower, they are good producers and can probably handle a fairly heavy feeding schedule although I have never done that, I'm of the less is more line of thought. I do not know for sure if they will throw off nanners, you'll have to keep a watch a couple weeks into flower and from my experience, not just them but any plant that throws out male flowers, it seems to occur on the bottom third of the plant. Anyway even with all the cramped space for six weeks, when I put them into those two gallon containers and under the hps, when finished they each came in around two or so ounces dry. The second generation, I have no idea at all.
This is how I grew my lemons. I started them in jiffy pellets, then into party cups and finally into half gallon grow bags. I wanted to keep them short, they were too short, so I cut the bottom third of the grow bag off and transplanted them into two gallon smart pots and they got to be about thirty inches. I don't use a ppm meter so I can't give you that info. If I remember I gave them a few extra doses of 5-1-1 fish emulsion when in flower, they are good producers and can probably handle a fairly heavy feeding schedule although I have never done that, I'm of the less is more line of thought. I do not know for sure if they will throw off nanners, you'll have to keep a watch a couple weeks into flower and from my experience, not just them but any plant that throws out male flowers, it seems to occur on the bottom third of the plant. Anyway even with all the cramped space for six weeks, when I put them into those two gallon containers and under the hps, when finished they each came in around two or so ounces dry. The second generation, I have no idea at all.

thankyou tons for your insight. im gunna look into getting some lemon skunk beans!!!