Well-Known Member
old pics i just posted on another thread. thought i'd share em.

I see. Sucks everclear is illegal here.
Good luck with it lad!!! Quite fat leaves on those cuttings? Are those the Exodus?
Peace, DST
There is a guy on here with a pretty sweet blueberry grow, with a lot of pictures, let me see if i can find the linkyeah not sure why but there a lot fatter now than they were on the mother. i think it must be the re-veg, half the leaves are still mutated. but im sure they will get thinner as it grows. apparently its exodus. not 100 percent convinced. not bad though. the mother looked very similar to the exodus or psychosis (hardly any double serated leaves though) know any other strains that have a similar growth pattern to either of those two or what the name for those strains are?
irritated with the chronic seedlings, there usualy quite uniform, but the two tht i planted seem quite different, one is a lot more indica than the other. i hope they dont differ in height too much.
does anyone know what the genetics of blue widow are? its blueberry right? as in the same as the blue cheese?. it has a very similar smell and taste to my sativa blue cheese but looks VERY different.
anyone here grown out some blueberry? would love to see how it looks.
time for a cheese bong. then i think ill watch some wonders of the universe. great after a blaze.
There is a guy on here with a pretty sweet blueberry grow, with a lot of pictures, let me see if i can find the link
Morro's Blueberry Grow
did i miss the winner yet?
whats shakin judges? [youtube]u5ZUshzhMtc[/youtube]
anyone heard of drowning their plants pre harvest? basically forces the plant to ferment/cure anyone with input or experience id love to hear 600! Ive done a water cure and thought it good but it shrank the weed.
Yeah, you drown the root zone, not the entire plant, riddleme has an entire thread dedicated to the technique, and the reason it works. I have firsthand smoked bud harvested this way, and smoked the same strain not drowned, and the smoke from the drowned plant was definitely smoother.