Club 600

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
She looks good. I don't think I would wait 2 weeks though.


I'm using a large plastic pan (49" X 30") from a portable dog crate to catch any run-off from the square pots.



Well-Known Member
She looks good. I don't think I would wait 2 weeks though.


I'm using a large plastic pan (49" X 30") from a portable dog crate to catch any run-off from the square pots.

You really are a curious old fart lol...

So I think honeybee 2 and 4 have bout 15 days left which will take them to 66 days. Pretty sure honeybee 3 is going to take at least another 3 weeks, that's okay that's the purple pheno :)


Well-Known Member
We are using one of those catch trays for a washing machine at my buddy's place (36 x 30, I think). It's not the right shape for the veg light but it's working fine so far.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have thought about it and have built one with a pond liner as well as one using the vinyl shower pan material. It worked really good because there is an adhesive made special for it that works wherever you have to cut it or overlap it. The pond liner was the easiest to work with though.


Well-Known Member
Since we're on the subject of both weed, and whacking (emphasis on the "h")......

How's about some weed...

...whacker pR0n!?!?!?


Now, if only my lawn would hurry up and grow...
Has been triple-seeded (sounds kinky) and this is the second watering (also kinky).
Should see sprouts in 2 or 3 days (That's what SHE said.).



Well-Known Member
Nice Pic Ambz. How the heck are you me old carolina :mrgreen:
All good on the colorado. move, are you still on for the move ? Hope you doing grand lass :-) :joint:


Well-Known Member
I just came back from down Button Ben, got a few phone camera shots, but they are just utter pants on head so I won't even subject you to them. Basically the dogs have stopped stretching, thank god, and the Fireballs have stretched a bit as well, with only a few staying stout, 4 got junked as they were males, we shall as always, see how it grows........
goedenavond jongens en meisjes...

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Thanks! :hug:that's my new comic character " Bristol Paper" . You can call her Smooth Bristol if you
Cinders mate! im doing really well right about now. .... I quit my job in Tucson and attempted to move to CO but things did not work out there at all. Im moving back to Washington next week. Life is so strange. U know so much is about timing and luck and other strangeness. I might be getting a really interesting job in Seattle and Ive been thinkin about my new grow room and how I want to design it. I heard some really good news about WA marijuana now that they are going legal rec.. and they need WEED super badly for all the Washington Stoners now legal. They might be signing contracts with med patients who grow. When I get my card I can grow up to 15 plants!!and then donate to the them to the state for all the stoners to smoke! that would be the fuckin Bomb. and how are you doing?i hope your doing well Cinders, its great to hear from you again!!!:hug:


Well-Known Member

Have you thought about making a flood tray and covering it with swimming pool liner? That's my next project.

i just made a tray for my new cloning area, and i was going to bed liner it. i bought a big clear tote, and flipped it upside down the new tray will let me stick more clones in at one time. i will post some pics after i spray the tray, but it is rocking the first set of clone, and they are bigger as i now have 2ft of dome;)