Club 600

And I wanted to share something with you guys, as I thought you'd be the only group who would appreciate it. A couple weeks ago I spent 5 days at my parents house with my little girl. Wife was away on work. My parents recently made the gut wrenching decision of cutting down the tree in the front yard. They still live in the house I grew up in, and we had a big ass lovely climbing tree in the front. I'm embarrassed to say I don't know what kind of tree it is. The tree was one of my best friends growing up, was always up in it, with friends too. We carved on it's trunk and just spent hours in the thing. Sad now that it's about to be down. They were planning on hiring a tree company to take it out. I said I'd like to do it. They said, "Don't worry about it".

So I took it upon myself to start cutting her down while my parents were away and my baby took a nap. I did such a good job in that hour that they let me keep cutting her down the next day. All in all I spent maybe 5 or 6 hours cutting big branches down and then chopping them down to size to be thrown out. It was a very beautiful time. I was back up climbing all around the tree I've loved for my whole life. I was selectively choosing where to cut, as I was doing it more for the enjoyment that the efficiency/ effectiveness. Me and the tree bonded a lot. My daughter got to see me up in it. I held her up a bit, but it's all a little dangerous for a 14 month old.

It all reminded me of working with our plants. Plants are cool things to play with. It's nice we've all discovered that.
weird thing isnt jig?, family that is. don't speak to anybody at all in my dads side but very close to my mums side. i don't know where i stand really, i have close friends who i would consider more family than my actual family, at least you can choose your friends lol.

you have your own family now so time to make your own traditions, do something the same two years in a row and bang, there you have a tradition :D

I've been thinking about this. I reckon it would be fun to make up all sorts of odd traditions. Like going out and hugging a tree the first of every month, haha. Wild stuff like that.

And on the family tip. There is a pocket of my family that is pure family. My dads', moms' relatives all still live in the same part of N.E. Louisiana. I'm sure some cousins are married to one another. They're all baptist, but different kinds of baptist. They have a big family reunion once a year. I've been once 15 years ago. My dad has been a handful of times. To be honest... I don't really like all the pressure. Kinda like how we do it out here in the west. Do your own thing, make friends you love and treat them as family. No need to share lineage.

And I said I'd take a picture of her sweeping for you (not that you asked) but here she is double fisted. :)

Aaaaaaaaand a final update on everything (for those interested). I sold my Les Paul. Bought a new (to me) amp at a pawn shop who didn't know what they had. Got a killer deal on a little 15w vox head and cab. The vox Night train... looks like a toaster.

I'm pretty much out of weed, so I'll be picking up some soon. :( I plan on starting a grow soon to remedy the situation.

And my wife had surgery yesterday, goes back today to have the packing removed (who knew they packed bits of your body full of gauze) today. Will be nice when she's not in agonizing pain. My mom is up for a couple days to help with everything. Wife's mom is on the way and will be here for 3 weeks.

Lastly supchaka is good... just been really busy with work. Thought I would pass along a hello for him (not that he said hello... but I assume he would have haha).
adorable, so different to the last pics i had seen of her. by the way she missed a spot hahaha

what op did your wife have? hope she is ok, you'll be nurse jig no doubt getting her better.

and if you wanna go hug a tree, hug a tree, we wouldn't be here without them! lol
I got most of the house packed up, gosh I hate moving. The place I'm moving to doesn't have a refrigerator so I've been Craigslisting like a mad man trying to find one for a decent price and I got this bad boy for $250! Super stoked, so tomorrow and Saturday I'll be moving and hopefully Saturday the internet will be hooked up at the new pad and iI'll upload some pics of the new grow room. My plants will be so happy to have lights lol
This meme made me think of aall of the convo I'm the 600 today lol. Maybe someday I'll have a kid though :) Hope everyone has a good night and I'll catch back up with yall Saturday or Sunday bongsmilie
Good luck
So wife grew an abscess down in the lower regions of her gut. Apparently abscesses can grow to the point they start forcing their way through fatty tissue to make a sort of network of abcesses called a fistula. She had that abscess/ fistula drained and flushed. Now it's packed with gauze to be removed soon. Good times.
sounds like it may sting a bit!, oh well she is in good hands, i'm sure she'll make a full and speedy recovery.

take it easy folks, i'm out for the night. don't get lost or crushed as my father said
My parents both came from large families. Twelve siblings on one side, nine on the other. They were all left behind when my father, pregnant mother and two sisters fled Europe when the Russians invaded Hungary in 56. My third sister was born in a refugee camp in Ireland and my younger brother and I were born almost a decade later here in North America. The seven of us where all we had for family here. There were other families that my parents were close friends with that we considered cousins but that was it. All three sisters where married or moved on before I finished public school, so then it was just me and my brother. My parents struggled the whole time they were here and my father was somewhat bitter and quite a drinker. It didn't make for fun, celebratory times. Ended up having to live in government housing until I moved out at 17. Both my parents and oldest sister have passed now. My brother became a Jehovah's Witness and we just can't talk with each other anymore. My one sister lives down the highway and we speak. My other sister and I are separated by a paranoid border that neither of us can cross.

So it's me, my wife and my daughter, who's close to moving on herself. I admire, and sometimes envy large, close families. Other times I don't. While family is a big thing for me, tradition is not, especially when it's a mass tradition, like eating turkey at thanksgiving, as if it's the only kind of feast to have. To me that's following the Jones's. Now, individual family traditions are something else where it's more personal and meaningful. Those kind of traditions I can dig. I just love what I have and don't worry about everyone else.

Loved your story Jig. I could imagine the things you might have thought when you were doing that. Creating a memory from memories. That's deep.

@jimmer, no traditions that I can think of, as a youngster I seemed to spend most of my birthdays stuck in traffic jams in France and Spain for some reason. Our family would drive from Scotland to Spain every year for a holiday after our return from the Far East, lmfao, Mum/Dad. Unlce, Gran, Me and Sister all in a car, roofrack, crap stuffed into the car up to our eyeballs. I am surprised anyone could see out the windows! Actually, now that I think about it, maybe that's why the folks split up, haha. Oh, and the Polish thing our friend just told us about the other day, I think it's like a Pen, a glass of vodka, and a bit of bread or something....then that is supposed to describe what you'll be like as you grow up!

@jig, nice tree story mate. What did you do with all the wood? Maybe you should have built something out of her? Or kept a piece for the Dr. to make something for you?

@oldman, as ghb said, I am a Central Belter really (as are the majority of Scots). Our Clan "The McPhersons" come from the Spey Valley mainly. My Uncles Uni friend worked for the Scottish office in their birth and registry office in Edinburgh and he looked out our family tree going way back. Was nice to see the family where mainly fisherman and crofters (I could imagine myself a crofter for sure:))

@ghb, regarding whisky, in some cases Scottish whisky is matured in Sour Mash casks or old Bourbon, or many other types of cask (sherry, etc). I think if you wanted to learn a skill and make a lot of cash just now, get into making Whisky barrels (coopers I think they are called). There are some new companies that cannot keep up with the demand. There's a real shortage in the world. And I remember being in a bar in Glasgow and they were asking 5k for a bottle, £500 a dram or something (50 year old Malt), but you had to buy the whole bottle due to the fact that once it's opened, it does evaporate slowly. Oldest Malt I have is a 1972 bottled Benromach from Glenlivet...not much left of it though:)
@jigfresh Sorry about the wife. I hope she heals up quickly. Totally sucks. I like your tree and family story. I am super disconnected from my extended family. My dad was always a loner I think. I do have quite a few friends that are like family come to think of it. We do have some family traditions though. We even used to go to a family reunion on my moms side a long time ago. Seems like it all petered out as the kids all got older. I haven't talked to any of my cousins in over as decade. I talk to my brother maybe once a week... I have the hardest time reaching out and calling etc... :-( I am trying to work on that...Lol

@DST Still looks good there! The dog I have under the leds is short and stout and rock hard nuggies. I cant wait to get the fireballs from bob. I would like it to join my next run. :-) Killer gear.
Hello guys, @jigfresh best vibes to the wife hope she's feeling better.
My dad had 9 brothers and sisters and I only met 2 and my uncle only 2 times my aunt we
saw every summer. It has long been said we are no clan family. Mom was an only child with
no others in her generation.Just my brother and me, he was in the Army moving all over so
I spent my young adult life with just my wife and kids. As I have said before this is the first
time I entered any discourse with anyone about our "hobby".
In the past few months I feel more at home in the 600 than anywhere I've been in my life.
And I thank each and everyone of you for that.
I'll raise my glass to the 6'ers and wish them all health and harvest.
Landlord is selling my building, I just had 10 strangers tour my place,
build inspt & realtors/prospective buyers
tents in full view in dining room & bedroom, & I just chopped a couple of days ago so
it reeks more than normal, I also had 2 males in window in plain view that I forgot to put away.
My current landlord is cool, last time she was here, she asked for a sack.
hope the new owners get it........