Club 600


Well-Known Member
I Hope everyone had a great Halloween, and have a happy All Saints Day! Today is Mrs. Doc's birthday and we are going to bbq with our friends. Gave her a great roll in the hay last night and will today too:hump:
It is cold as hell this morning 46 at sunrise, but it is just last night it should be almost 60 tonight. Old man those cherry puff are selfed seeds from my move at like 6 wees in to flower so they shoud be fem too. They came frm the #2 and #3 the two cuts i still have.
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Well-Known Member
I made a crock pot of butter last night and will be making cookies as soon as it freezes and separates. I used margarine that all ready has soy lecithin in it as I remember awhile ago giggles and supachucka(?) said it helps with the absorption into the system quicker. I did only condensed 2lb's of regular trim into 2lb's of butter. Report to come later, if they aren't to strong and knock me on my ass. My goals are what I call 1 in done. You eat 1 and your real f$%&ing done ready for bed.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I made a crock pot of butter last night and will be making cookies as soon as it freezes and separates. I used margarine that all ready has soy lecithin in it as I remember awhile ago giggles and supachucka(?) said it helps with the absorption into the system quicker. I did only condensed 2lb's of regular trim into 2lb's of butter. Report to come later, if they aren't to strong and knock me on my ass. My goals are what I call 1 in done. You eat 1 and your real f$%&ing done ready for bed.
I recently had a compliment when someone called my product a 2 hit wonder. You wonder why you took the second hit.

clear, windy, 48 and headed to 32 by morning.



Well-Known Member
It's 38 and cold as fuck here! We got down to 17 last night! I'm afraid we're running out of nice days here...

Oh and jimmer yea lecithin helps. But did you say 2lbs of trim to 2lbs of butter?!?!

I think the most I've ever used per lb was like 8 oz of trim. Those things will be 4 time as potent as mine!


Well-Known Member
Snapped these on the phone today. Aparently it's easier to take pics when your hands are not covered in sticky ganj:)

My wife and I often comment about how in The Netherlands (or perhaps in life) it's strange how when you come to a crossing in the path, 9 times out of 10, there are other people on other points of that exact same small the reality of life can be. And this was us just joining the cycle path this afternoon, and we came across these two things. (I decided to take the pics because one of the boats was obviously full, and the other not, not because of the crossing the path nonsense, lol.....).
Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Reading all the weather posts, we need to get RIU to put in a don't like button.
I am already starting to hurt like hell in the morning but I refuse to fire up the
stove yet, ah! a nice hot cup of tea to warm the hands and soul, I have a good
A wish for a very happy day goes to Mrs. Doc, may her day bring all her wishes.
Happy birthday to her. :clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
Happy birthday to the wife Dr d! Have a awesome day bro!
Jimmer, that butter will be ridiculously strong, like giggles said, I've never came close to making them that strong and one time I thought I may have had to go to the hospital because I was outrageously stoned lol. Be careful and have fun tho man!
Beautiful place you live at dst!
And all this weather talk, I dunno what's up today in alpha land, the high of the day is going to be at 3 am lol so wierd.
Just a note, all clones made it through the night with out wilting :) a week or so and I get to bust out the 1000w!!! :hump:

