Club 600


Well-Known Member
Prepared some soaking mix for my peat pellets which are now sitting on the warming pad working their magic. Incubation time!! Ingredients include kelp, EM's, Sea Crop concentrated ocean water and good old molasses to feed all the little buggers in there.

Again my three Deep Blue X JTR's just after a nice shower. The girl in the back is the Deep Psychosis my friend just chopped. He left some for me to reveg and keep her going.

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:peace: Duchie


Well-Known Member
Nice duchie, the organic game is interesting me. I have some bottle organics (I know probably not the best organic route) but it should get me started learning with out making supersoil. I have roots organic, floralicious plus and flora blend vegan nutes. I'm gonna give them a try with some older plants I was going to throw out and see how it works out. The roots organic has pretty much everything people use for organic growing, ewc, fulvic, all sorts of goodies


Well-Known Member
First recreational doobie of mine!

Berry Bubble


Tastes like...

... Liberty...

And I captured you, duchie!!!!
You are my internet prisoner!
You no longer have a NAME!
You are Inmate #420!
You will remain Inmate #420 until such time as The Powers That Be decide it's time for you to be released back into the wilds of Canada, where you will work as a coureur de la forêt de cannabis!
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Well-Known Member
Canada is too sensible to ignore all that juicy tax money that would be generated at all levels of government, and the reduced legal issues, etc..
Fingers way crossed for you guys!


Well-Known Member
Though, like over here, the liquor and pharma industries have well-funded lobbyists that buy votes to keep the status quo in Ottowa, I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
Our evangelical leader has no such thing as sense. He's a maniacal, Israel and war loving piece of shit who somehow thinks he's been given the task of savior. He and his followers still believe the reefer madness shit and say that pot will never be legalized under their government. The only way legalization will happen here is if he's voted out, next November.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah jig!! Doobs, that's a nice join, enjoy that and take a puff of that berry for me!! Sounds amazing bro :)
Oldman, fuckin cuomo was elected again!?! Wtf!!! Where did all the sensible people in NY go!?! I'm so sorry man :(


Well-Known Member
call me picky dst but i couldn't help but notice every single plant in the tent is propped up on something, can you not lower the light any more? i use upturned pots to give the yins a boost sometimes but i will at least have something on the ground lol

and jig, glad to see you honest and humble as ever. i hear weed was invented in cali :)
No, it's at the end of the string...and yes, you are a picky Cunt:)