Club 600


Well-Known Member
So my main reason for growing weed is to grow medication for myself to treat Depression

Last time I harvested my plants I harvested a few of them pretty early, pretty much all milky trichomes. Very few clear, very very few amber.

More than anything I have ever smoked my early harvested plants eliminated nearly all of my depression symptoms and made me full of energy when I smoked them (every one of the plants was mostly sativa). I also remember that one of my plants was the bombest of the bomb for it, but that info doesnt help anybody as I have no idea what that plant was.

I'm growing out random crosses of strains I grew last time, so I'm expecting similar genetics.

Would it be wise to once again harvest some crop at nearly all milky to recreate the product I had last time? The symptoms i'm looking to relieve with my product include: minor-massive fatigue, loss of motivation, and when I feel depressed my baseline feeling of happiness is much lower. My earlier harvested bud seemed to clear all those up. Does anybody else have any personal experience medicating for depression and or the ability to shed some light on growing for self medication of depression?

I'll probably be able to order some seeds up in a few months, any specific strains I should look at when the time comes?

Thanks all!


Well-Known Member
My recommendation would be to stick with the genetics that are working for you. Stick to Sativas and Sativa dominant hybrids. I prefer Indicas anymore because they seem to work best for my pain.
My green thumb picks up where my prescription meds leave off and helps deal with my back issues.


Well-Known Member
lookin' dank figgy
I want to go back to hydro soon but need to be able to build a new system. I would like to use the buckets I got from Jig and connect them for a RDWC system. I feel I had the best results using that type of system in a vertical room. The plants looked better and I had less bugs than the last couple of rounds in soil.

I had two of them at one point in tents and it worked really well. I just need to figure out what to do with all of the soil that's currently in the trash can I used for a res last time and get some new grommets. Anyone need some soil? Lol

My vegging plants are all in soil so it will have to wait for the next round. I need to take cuttings still for clones and would like to have the next ones be hydro. I just don't know if it will work out timing wise.

I'll take all the soil you don't want bro LMK


Well-Known Member
Spend all of last night and part of this morning applying bee's wax to my boots, gloves and pants.
Applied 3 coats, with a stay in the oven at 120f to heat the gear up before each coating of the wax.

Will be mostly waterproof now, and easier to clean bug goo off of, too.

The pants were the last item to do, and they've had their final wipe down and are ready for use...


About to suit up and go for a ride! (a nice & balmy 41f today)
But first I have to finish the last half of this spliff of Bubble Berry (from two of the lesser plants, hanging dry in the background of the 1st pic).
I did the first half of it in 1/4 shots.
After grinding up to prep for rolling, it almost oozes down it's slope like a pile of fresh brown sugar...


Well-Known Member
We are on our 15th year of using the same imitation tree. My daughter made us buy a real one two years ago on Thanksgiving weekend. She never bothered to water it and it was pretty scary looking by Christmas. It completely collapsed its branches like it was a closing umbrella!

Last year the tree was up till after tax day. I keep threatening to leave it up all year :)
