Club 600


Well-Known Member
Love the pics giggs and love the video doobs, but do it in tthe day time next time I can't see! Lol

What I don't like is the damn government . this pisses me off so much. The government basically vetoed DC's mj legalization. Basically, the gov doesn't give a shit what the citizens vote for. Makes you think about if the votes for the pres add up. Welp, we already know that answer *cough*it's all bullshit *cough*. Doesn't that make you happy to be an American??


Well-Known Member
Was mostly just testing the camera for night ride vids, but it is way too dark when there is no other traffic on the road with me.
In a big city it would be a different view, but where I am, they roll up the streets at 9pm on a Sunday night like tonight, so it's dark.
Too dark for good vids.
But I filled up the motorcycle's gas tank with 102-octane fuel that also had Turbo 108+ Octane Booster added, and I'll be recording some daytime riding and will upload it as soon as it's ready.
I do have a second night video uploading, but it has a ways to go (about an hour).
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Well-Known Member
Just called the doctor to get a new appointment. Last day with penicillin and im still sick ass fu..
So stupid its like last time. Now i get some broad spectre penicillin cause the normal one shows no effect..
Argh. Sry, hard to keep the mood up. Im so tired of my stinkin health..


Well-Known Member
Just called the doctor to get a new appointment. Last day with penicillin and im still sick ass fu..
So stupid its like last time. Now i get some broad spectre penicillin cause the normal one shows no effect..
Argh. Sry, hard to keep the mood up. Im so tired of my stinkin health..
Fingers crossed for the next lot of antibiotics mate.


Well-Known Member
Okay, here's GoPro video #2.
A little lighter than the previous vid, but the view angle was set to Medum instead of Wide, and it was set to standard 1080p (60 frames a sec, which makes slow-mo or fast-mo playback using the speed settings for the video options all look pretty good no matter what speed the video is played back at). instead od 1080 Super which adds a lot to the wide-angle view..

I open her up for a bit at the 8min15sec time mark in the video on the tail end of the ride coming in the back way to get home.



Well-Known Member
I think doc is getting serious.
After first visit i had an infection numer of 77, now after a hard 2400mg/day penicillin its 57.
No wonder i still feel like shizz.. New pills and when im good again doc wants to make some tests on my lunges. Im too sick too often and need to think about the future.. lol.. A few weeks ago i was a machine, young and healthy. When i had my knee surgery my puls kept warning cause it was low when waking up-35. I thought some was wrong, but they told me it was cause i was so healthy, lol.
Good day at work Jimmer!
I can see it too!
But-Like D i too think it would work better during the day- In summer- At the beach :)