Club 600

pest strips worked for mites? really?? and dont worry man, THOSE mites dont like eating people. they MAY be on you but they wont hurt ya ;)
and good luck on your hunt! i may be going out in the morning as well.
Reading up many people use them against mites. Says it will kill any crawling and flying bugs..
Yeah they are still on the leaf's but they are dead and no movement. So they might be on a few sugars but mostly they only occupy the fan leaf's.
GL back
lol there is some paper in the ballast with writing on. Just zoomed in.. strange. Know it was part of a big grow op that got busted.
Looking bomb af giggs! Guess what I'm doing.. Dun dun dunnnnn... Outdoor lol, I threw a plant outside last night (was gonna throw it out) figured if it survives it'll finish by April lol. It made it through the night so might have some unexpected buds if it doesn't freeze :) whoda thought I could put a plant out in January lolView attachment 3339239
You cant, LOL, freeze still to come, not hoping, just my experience up here.
That SUCKS! i guess it was just too damp and cold in the transport! least you have seeds.. Not sure what route you are taking to Oregon but if it is the 10 to the 5 via CA I can give you one in person..
Is there still an agriculture check coming into California?
lol i know :( I'm just running on hopes and dreams lol, it was going to go in the garbage so i figured I'd take a chance :D I might get lucky, it's been super nice out lately!
Winter better not be over yet! I'm starting to worry though Alpha.
I know we'll have enough water to drink, but what about the salmon! I don't know if I could take another lame salmon run this year also.
You cant, LOL, freeze still to come, not hoping, just my experience up here.
i don't know man. When was the last time you wore shorts up here in January?
Not good. Back to the 70's by this weekend too. I'm tripping.
Winter better not be over yet! I'm starting to worry though Alpha.
I know we'll have enough water to drink, but what about the salmon! I don't know if I could take another lame salmon run this year also.
Last year was fairly good on Sac River

i don't know man. When was the last time you wore shorts up here in January?
Not good. Back to the 70's by this weekend too. I'm tripping.
New folks always think its warmer then it is, lol