So I stumble through to the kitchen the other night and opened the fridge to get a drink of milk. I opened the new milk jug and in my sleepyness decided to throw the cap away. The wife said to me next day, ÿou'll need to decant that milk into another jug with a lid as it'll take on the smells of other things in the fridge". I told her to stop being ridiculous, lmfao. That night I decided to freeze some dog trim and a glass tube ready to be blasted. Got up this morning with Mrs DST complaining that the fridge smelled of weed (For some reason I Thought it would be a good idea to put the stuff in our kitchen freezer, not the one in the utility room). And that the milk absolutely stank of it! To which she complained about not having a cup of tea (there was full fat milk as well - with a lid - that we use for the Ickle Yin, so I just grinned and removed the smelly weed to the other freezer).
Don't put weed into a freezer that your non smoking wife uses.
Milk definitely picks up the smell of other things in the fridge

And this is what came of it all (well, 50% of it, still to finish up in the vac overnight)>>>
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Peace, DST