Club 600

Hell yeah! Sounds so nice. That's what I'm hoping for is a fast finisher with one of the Indicas, I haven't had anything finish too fast for a while, it'll be nice. 2 outta 3 of my sour cherries are funky :/ hoping the good one is the fem though, it'll be nice for an 8 weeker :)

There's a couple phenos finishing in 7 weeks. Prob gonna chop 1 of the samplers tomorrow at 52 days :)
Damn Gs, you just reminded me of how much I want to pheno hunt that strain!!! Fire as hell, damn beautiful, bravo friend

That's awesome giggs! I wish all strains finished that fast! I'll probably never grow a true landlace until I retire :(
I have had the exact opposite experience. Females almost always show later than males.That's a pretty commonly accepted tenet of growing herb.

How many plants have you grown, out of curiosity?
Males will show flower faster when induced to 12/12 but we are talking pre-flowers here..

Pre-flowers (primordia) are located differently to the actual bud sites but can still be a good way of determining gender in advance of the main flower formation, use a magnifying glass or loupe to make a positive identification. The undifferentiated pre-flowers appear along the main stem at the nodes (intersections) and behind the leaf spurs (stipule). Look for general trends in shape and the appearance of two white pistils to indicate a female; who often show one to two weeks before male pre-flowers, despite the main male flowers appearing before the female.
Males will show flower faster when induced to 12/12 but we are talking pre-flowers here..

Pre-flowers (primordia) are located differently to the actual bud sites but can still be a good way of determining gender in advance of the main flower formation, use a magnifying glass or loupe to make a positive identification. The undifferentiated pre-flowers appear along the main stem at the nodes (intersections) and behind the leaf spurs (stipule). Look for general trends in shape and the appearance of two white pistils to indicate a female; who often show one to two weeks before male pre-flowers, despite the main male flowers appearing before the female.

Again, I disagree. In my experience males almost always show faster in terms of preflowers in vegetative growth as well as when flowering is forced. This is, as I said, a very commonly understood and accepted concept, so I'm wondering if the folks who are saying the exact opposite actually have the firsthand experience or if you guys are just repeating something you have read or heard somewhere else.
I dont have much male experience.. But reading up many males wont even show pre-flowers before induced to 12/12. My own experience is ive got 1 girl and 3 no-sexes so far..
Im pretty sure Mo has plenty of experience..
I dont have much male experience.. But reading up many males wont even show pre-flowers before induced to 12/12. My own experience is ive got 1 girl and 3 no-sexes so far..
Im pretty sure Mo has plenty of experience..

What you said may be accurate, but that does not change the commonly accepted fact that males typically show sex faster than females.

Let's try to stick with your first-hand experience so that you don't confuse or misinform other new growers. There is a lot of questionable info out there already, no reason to add to it.