Club 600

Already on it Mo. My dad ordered one for me last week. It gets delivered tomorrow or the next day. Yamaha C40. The extra pack of strings was delivered on friday. I'm so excited.

Plus I brought all my recording gear, so I can get it on tape (or disk, or 0's and 1's, whatever).

The other night I was at a restaraunt and they had one sitting in the corner. I almost asked to play, but I was tired by the end of the 2 hour meal. haha.

Thanks for the tip Don. I have to say though, I'm a bit scared to smoke it. Shit, I'm a bit scared to even pick it. :)
Hey shiska - I am truly sorry that happened. Sadly, there is still so many divides, from the rich to the poor, color, social status, so many things. I wish it wasn't so. For many years the elite have managed to keep the rest the population dividing up themselves and bickering, while they keep taking the money. Hopefully this one day will not be true. What I would maybe recommend, if you care to hear it. I would do a Better business bureau complaint, and let your friends and family know to avoid giving their hard earned money to a place that is practicing discrimination.

Keep your chin up bro, many times the worst experiences in life make us better men.

Stay free, stay high
