Club 600

Yes Bud.

It's a two part test the same as the 2 sachets of powder you get with cheap PH pens.

The red bottle is a low PH4 test and the green bottle is a high PH7 test.

Depending on the the room temp of the solution in the bottle the scale on the side of each bottle tells you what PH the solution should be.

Test the solution temp with a thermometer so you know what PH it should read and then dunk your pen in and twist the adjustment screw until it reads right.

Then do the same again with the other bottle and your pen should be calibrated properly.
Cheers m8 I get that done in morning

Dude spraying Butane directly onto silicon is a big no no, the butane strips all the petrochemical stuff out of the silicon and it goes in your gear.

You should check this page out by the Skunkpharm Research guys all about it.

The guy behind 'Oil Slick' mats sent this email..........

"Hi Greywolf,

I am sure you know, silicone swells in the presence on non-polar solvents. Hexane is actually used as a “swelling agent” for silicone tubing to allow for an easier connection.

Theswellingeffect is the primary reason why silicone makes a poor compatibility choice when selecting a material to come into prolonged direct contact with non-polars.

As you must also be aware, chemical contamination from “extractables” in silicone materials, (in a procedure such as you are describing) is due almost entirely to the physical release of low molecular weight siloxanes, and other impurities from the manufacturing process.

This is why Tygon 3350, or SaniTech-Ultra, are made with platinum cured silicone rather than the more common peroxide cured variety. This is also whyWeuse platinum catalyzed USP6 silicone in our pads. (rather than peroxide/food grade).

As far as I am aware, we are the ONLY company doing this. The cost of material for a simple “baking mat” would be prohibitive in that industry.

For the record (sometime I feel like abrokenrecord)We do not sell the Pad to spray directly onto. Many (many) folks do, and when we realized it (july of 2012), we switched the silicone we use as our raw material as aprophylacticmeasure.

We also removed the Logo from our pads, because we feared that immersion in non-polar solvent could act to weaken the bond between that thin layer of logo silicone, and the pad beneath. As concerned as we were about the logo….i cringe when I see folks spraying into parchment. The matrix of silicone in common parchment paper (non-Quilon / silicone coated) is extremely fragile compared to a pad. I imagine the violence of swelling and shrinking on that scale would be tenfold compared to the effect that prompted our own change of material.

The physical wear of swelling/shrinking/swelling/shrinking along with the various stresses inflicted by the innovative public (razor blades, torches etc…) make any sort of performance warranty unmanageable.
So we make em as pure as it gets, and when people ask us….we tell em that if they insist on using them this way, to please discard them if they notice any physical degradation.

I would refrain from cutting the pad to perform your testing, as this will expose the inner weave. Once cut or torn, the physical consequences of swelling could lead to damage along the exposed area.

Let me know where to send it, and I will get a Pad out to you today. Always happy to hear your thoughts. I redacted about 2 pages of hyper technical diatribe from this email…. because I figured you have likely done your own research regarding Pt cured silicone, and the various plasticizers that are used in food grade silicone. This is understandably a topic quite close to my heart; and I will be vary happy to discuss at length should you have specific questions (or non-specific musings?).

Also, should you require it, you have my explicit permission to share anything we discuss with whichever forums you are involved in.



Safety first!............;)
Yup, one of the first things I read about, no spraying onto silicone...funnny, one of the guys I know from another seed company told me to spray onto parchment as it saves a lot of hassle scraping up from glass....(i posted about it before) I'll be avoiding parchment as well, lol. Although I found putting parchment over the butane whilst it bubbles quite good as it saves any dust and shit getting into your extract.
that the exodus cheese or the GHS one you're running? you guys over the pond need to try the psychosis. I dunno if across pond fairies have been tried before, it's a long flight.
I run the gh cheese cause its the closest I found, you remember that pheno hunt right?
You told me which one was the cheesey one and I still missed it. Still my holy grail, the cheese or livers or psychosis.
Howdy all, today has been a rough one. Had a shit ton of work to do, dog's going off every other minute it seemed like, then a guy in a truck and trailer that couldn't back out of the middle of a stadium if his life depended on it, 3 axle trailer rolling over my lawn yeah nice one buddy, ya Jerk! I am 3/4 sure I got everything done I needed to. I can take tomorrow off and be lazy and chill for a day, if my brain lets me lol. Hope your all happy and high laters. Peace, Be Safe MD
Thanks Giggles, it was a rough day but fruitful. Came home from errands and the house smelled amassing lol, I guess with being here all the time i get used to it until I leave and come back. Really can't wait to harvest I am totally out of ED.
Thanks Giggles, it was a rough day but fruitful. Came home from errands and the house smelled amassing lol, I guess with being here all the time i get used to it until I leave and come back. Really can't wait to harvest I am totally out of ED.
Hahaha!, I had the same thing happen, I went shopping tonight when I came home
the house smelled like reefer incense. I forgot to put the filter back on today after I cleaned it. :weed:
Moondance hope your day improves.

@Thundercat wife had a migraine so we picked up an 1/8 . Wife got to use the new pipe:)

Can't really see it but she was wearing the tiara

I am going to move the tent in the house guys. The garage is to cold right now and I want to sound proof it. More over time today and probably tomorrow. Then Friday I can leave at noon for the BBQ in Sacramento:)
I run the gh cheese cause its the closest I found, you remember that pheno hunt right?
You told me which one was the cheesey one and I still missed it. Still my holy grail, the cheese or livers or psychosis.
when i'm back up n running i think we should test an intercontinental fairy. there's definitely a reason they've been popular for nearly 30 years haha