Club 600

Dropping in on you guys in the six! We are working on buying our first home so shits been crazy. Def no time for as much forum browsing.

My awesome friend is hosting my entire operation in their garage right now. Been tough but pushing through this rough spot. New place is perfect in every way for us. :-)

Here are the girls... I think this was a week ago??... Lol. Bigger now. More buds too. Not even 3weeks at this point. The picks are at just under 2weeks here
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Grats on the home! The feeling moving into your first home with keys in hand is priceless. "Breaking in" all rooms of the home is fun too :hump:
Thanks! I can't wait. This place is pretty great for us. Already has the bigger grow shed I wanted... Like icing on the cake so to speak. Lol. Plus awesome mountain views off the deck on the bluff side. :-). I wanna "break in" the deck and hot tub. Lol. 2000+ sqft. 1.5 acres. .5 developed 1 acre of sloped bluff. Future terraced veggy garden. Let's hope they accept our offer. :-). My broker says we could close on her end in 30 days. So hopefully its on like donkey Kong.
Awesome on the graduation jimmer! Good vibes for your old lady as well.

And congrats on the new house someguy! Bet you can't wait to get settled in and call it home

I got a new phone today and sprint paid off my shitty Verizon plan and now I get unlimited data for 40% less than I was paying for 10gb data with Verizon, and a fuckin awesome phone to boot! When did phones start making bomb ass cameras, I'm so excited to use it now :D

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Darn 2 days in a row. I spent 3 hours yesterday sexing and cloning my girls that I put into flower 5 days ago. Out of 20 plants, all bb gear, I got a whole 3 males. I'm realyl liking a sour cheery x dog that I got as a freebie. It makes a great combo, I'll get pictures today of some while I'm checking on the clones. That is the only problem with not having my girls home, my new partner has never gotten a clone to take even after many lessons.
Whodat asked about the control unit for our solar panels. Well here are the only box like control things I can see. We have another input into our electric box as well with a fuse switch.
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How many watts are in panels do you have and what is the actual amount of power do you get from them. I'm always interested in the real facts with theses.
something the coffee drinkers haven't mentioned.........

Can coffee enhance cannabis' high? Study reveals how marijuana's effect can change based on how much caffeine you've drunk

A study by the Integrative National Institute on Drug Abuse in Baltimore found that drinking lots coffee while smoking marijuana can cause people to become more addicted to the drug


I think I remember hearing that either on high profits or Dr. Sanjays weed 2 or 3.

Or maybe I'm just dreaming lol
Haha seriously, if I need to "enhance" my high I'll simply take another hit, pretty simple.

@DST yeah that was sauced up throughout cooking, but honestly a lil much sauce for my taste... Good sauce though, sweet spicy chili BBQ sauce with some orang juice to thin it out.

I can't tell much about the solar setup but thanks for the picture though lol. I'll get some more lecky pr0n up here soon.

Other news, the weather is good and we might go flying today,,, gonna see what pilot has to say.