Club 600

You're a braver man than me. I had some soil go bad and lost out on production. Ended up trashing some 3' plants in veg that should have been 4+' and in mid bloom and chopping up some finished plants that looked like a poor beginners grow.....but I didn't take any pics. Like a doctor, I buried my the compost pile.

I didn't realize what the problem was and there were too many plants in the pipeline before I was able to correct the problem-good ole FFOF bailed me out to where the current crop is one of the best ever.

After fighting mites and thrips for all these years, I finally used Azatrol and haven't noticed any bugs or damage lately.

102f is not even 40c..You make it sound really hot. High 30s is just an avg pleasant summers day in Aus. Just getting into swimming temps.
lol....and you Antipodeans are always banging on about your cold winters. On skype to old man in WA.
Dad (with fleece top and hat on): Cold winters day here son. Down to 16c today.
Me (with my shorts on in Sept).: Really, Dad. You must be freezing its 15c here and its summer time ffs. :)
lol....and you Antipodeans are always banging on about your cold winters. On skype to old man in WA.
Dad (with fleece top and hat on): Cold winters day here son. Down to 16c today.
Me (with my shorts on in Sept).: Really, Dad. You must be freezing its 15c here and its summer time ffs. :)
yea..its 14c here today and I have the fire on..bloody cold..its Spring for fk sakes..
Wow. That's awesome!

I'm in my first grow right now (White widow as well). I hope I get close to those results.
Not to worry BT. I have never grown a thing in my life. The only plants that ever survive around my house are plastic ones. Why these beauties survived as well as they did are beyond me. So if I can have results like that..ANYONE can.
I just read a lot and watched a ton of videos.
Not to worry BT. I have never grown a thing in my life. The only plants that ever survive around my house are plastic ones. Why these beauties survived as well as they did are beyond me. So if I can have results like that..ANYONE can.
I just read a lot and watched a ton of videos.
Yea man. I've been reading everything I find. I'm at the stage now where every time I come outside they look fatter. Super exciting, and I don't even smoke.

I just checked them and they are totally different then they were yesterday. Bigger, fatter, sparkly-er (not a word). Really are amazing plants these things.
Yea man. I've been reading everything I find. I'm at the stage now where every time I come outside they look fatter. Super exciting, and I don't even smoke.

I just checked them and they are totally different then they were yesterday. Bigger, fatter, sparkly-er (not a word). Really are amazing plants these things.
There are countless non-words used as descriptors, we all do it.
Canna is truly an amazing plant.
Enjoy your grow.
