Club 600

They make beer Up there im sure
Yup. Had a few....
I was hoping someone who is experienced with rockwool could help me... i have had endless problems this past year with all sorts of stuff, but anyway.

When your plant is big enough that it is using all the nutriet mix in 1 flooding a day, do you just flood another time with the same exact strength nutrient solution so youre now flooding twice a day with the same nutrient ratio that you were on the once a day feed, or would you reduce the amount of nutrients if youre now flooding twice a day? I feel like Ive totally lost how to grow and second guess everything im doing now... please help. Thanks...
I was hoping someone who is experienced with rockwool could help me... i have had endless problems this past year with all sorts of stuff, but anyway.

When your plant is big enough that it is using all the nutriet mix in 1 flooding a day, do you just flood another time with the same exact strength nutrient solution so youre now flooding twice a day with the same nutrient ratio that you were on the once a day feed, or would you reduce the amount of nutrients if youre now flooding twice a day? I feel like Ive totally lost how to grow and second guess everything im doing now... please help. Thanks...

I flood for 15 mins every 2 hours.............
I realize some people flood a lot really often, but i only have ever done it once a day, but Im just asking like my original question said... do you just use a super reduced nutrient mix? What nutes do you use? Im on dynagrow

You keep the same nutrients. Don't be scared to flood more often you are using some type of media that has no nutritional value to the plants. They're only eating what you feed them literally. I could not imagine what the plants would look like flooding only once a day man just saying that's not the way to do it. I don't even flood that much most cats are flooding every hour. Which nutrients is irrelevant you just flodd as many times as is good for you with the same feed. I have found a lower EC int the range of 1.1-1.3 throughout the grow works better with feeding more often. You can always adjust depending on what the plants tell you.
You keep the same nutrients. Don't be scared to flood more often you are using some type of media that has no nutritional value to the plants. They're only eating what you feed them literally. I could not imagine what the plants would look like flooding only once a day man just saying that's not the way to do it. I don't even flood that much most cats are flooding every hour. Which nutrients is irrelevant you just flodd as many times as is good for you with the same feed. I have found a lower EC int the range of 1.1-1.3 throughout the grow works better with feeding more often. You can always adjust depending on what the plants tell you.

I couldnt believe people flooded as much as youre saying. Dont ask me why its worked but it always did until i forgot how to grow i guess.

Do you flood every 2 hours with even small plants? Like clones. Also, do you flood while your rockwool is still wet?
I couldnt believe people flooded as much as youre saying. Dont ask me why its worked but it always did until i forgot how to grow i guess.

Do you flood every 2 hours with even small plants? Like clones. Also, do you flood while your rockwool is still wet?

I'm using hydroton. I bought the mechanical timers from hydrofarm. It's a 24 hour timer and every notch you click down is a 15 minute run. Set the timer for every two hours and done deal from the clones and seed start to veg to flower etc. The guys I know with hydroton flood a lot more frequently than I do. Check my thread if you have any questions I'm in the middle of transition to hydro here at this location. been here long enough to observe what the room does with ambient temps etc and humidty through the year and the different seasons.
Ok. I was just pointing it out. I didnt know if you had experience with rockwool. Ive grown in hydroton before, but I just dont know whats going on.. really frustrating after having success for years and years
Ok. I was just pointing it out. I didnt know if you had experience with rockwool. Ive grown in hydroton before, but I just dont know whats going on.. really frustrating after having success for years and years

I went away from the idea of rockwool because of cost. The rocks you rinse off after harvest to get the roots out and re use.
Weekend 6'ers !!
Young Gun's coming along,
If this is not Fem i'll be gutted, got all the looks and smells, Using the shoe box to light deprive it.
Cookies looking good after removing the limp branch:
This freaked out looking skinny branch is what kept the clone alive long enough to grow new shoots. I gave it a chance to recover but its was on its way out.
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