I'm doing good. Plantwise I'm hurting. We moved in April so I was lagging getting seeds in dirt. Lagging turned into more lagging and I think seeds got popped in June or July (just a bit late lol). Anyways out of 10 I put down, 2 were weird things I killed almost right away. 2 more weren't so strong looking so I killed them too. The remaining 6... they were all males.

I guess the ones I killed were lagging because they were girls. I finally have a girl growing, but she's like 6" tall. It's looking like I'll need the help of a 600 this year.
Otherwise, little girl is 6 y.o. now. Awesome little thing. She's in Karate and Dance at the mo. Back at Montessori school this term after two years in Spanish public school. Her favorite things are Lego, playing video games, and hiking/exploring with dad.