Club 600

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah ive had a go at the bubble hash but sadly my makings were tried once then taken by the po po, thankfully not while in my possession...

im going to get a couple of buckets today for my next run. thats a great idea using two buckets.

dunno if 28 counts as old fart?

time for a little fine adjustment myself :lol:


Well-Known Member
I made some bubble hash last night and was thinking, albeit not for very long, if there was a better way to do this, and I think I might give it a try with two buckets. Thanks Heads Up. Nice one.

My next milestone is 40, not long to go.....but young at heart of course.


Well-Known Member
i've been walking this earth,for 28 years,but my body must be like 45 years old on the inside,yea,it sucks:cuss:fast living,and too many years of bad thinking.


Well-Known Member
Good morning 600 folk :)
Got a week to go, started flush yesterday.
Looking real good unity. You may have already said... but what strain are you growing. Looks real tastey.

I got 30 years under my belt. My stomach and liver are about 80 years old from all the drinking. But I try to keep my mind at about 10 years old. Much more fun that way.

As for music... I like a lot of things... but my favorites are probably all your guys' least favorite. I love rap, punk rock, and top 40 pop. I feel like I should feel guilty for it, haha.

It's nice to see the Satainists have a club too. I was digging the open-minded video... very much on point I think. Not exactly sure what is has to do with Satanism and the Occult, but it's all good. Love live the 600 club (both of them I guess, haha).

curious old fart

Well-Known Member

nice looking buds.....bud. Good work!!!!

Heads Up

Isn't it amazing how a wake and bake changes your you've got me wanting a vaporizer

Everyone under 30
I've got bad habits older than


one of the el monstre's is getting close to finishing.


Well-Known Member
tat2ue... I'm an AFC guy, so I don't really have a horse in your race... but today I am a Saints fan, out of support of the club. :bigjoint:

Kurt Warner is going to realize how old he is today. And Brees is gonna throw for 8 td's.

I'm just rooting the Jets, as I'm a giant Chargers hater.


Well-Known Member
Now this would be a nice welcoming plant for you front door. Of course you would need one on the other side as well, lol


Well-Known Member
Everyone under 30
I've got bad habits older than


one of the el monstre's is getting close to finishing.
So do I cof, but we start young in Scotland.:lol:;-)

give us an update of el monstre's when you get a chance....pls.(a pic that is)


Well-Known Member
dami must be the youngest one im only 19, but i am rather more mature hen most for my age ive been through alot and have already stopped my wild days as i had to many close encounters with death and going to prison, now im just a full time pot head with a body that feels 90 years old

curious old fart

Well-Known Member

Barbagseed is looking good.....who knows...she may be the next chem dog!!!

Pictures are of one of the el monstres'...planted three seeds and got three ladies....first time I planted 2 seeds and got 2 3 different pheno' is real frosty with small buds...while one has large buds and the least amount of frost and this plant which had medium buds and medium frost, which appears to be close.....the pictures were from day 50......last night.


1-15-10 008.jpg

1-15-10 011.jpg

1-15-10 012.jpg

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Here are the results of today's chopping. I'm hoping for six more ounces dry. A couple of the girls were real leafy down the bottom, the buds never got hard so they went into the hash bag. One of the tops of the leafy monsters turned in at one hundred thirty grams wet but trimmed.

Anyway here they are.



Well-Known Member
that looks awesome heads. Hope my first grow will turn out like that!!! This thread is pretty cool....i been lurking...but, I lurk no more.
I got a 600w with hortilux eye digital. In a 4x4 tent GH nutes DWC
have 2 gods gift going day 4 in the 12/12 they look awesome vegged em for like 8 weeks. cant wait......canopy 3x4 filling in.....
Hope i get some awesome pics to share with all :lol:


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Heads Up

The efforts of your hard work are clearly visable, those are some of the fattest, healthiest ladies that we've kick back and relax.



Well-Known Member
ok i water with phed water around 6and 7 every time i water with just water and nutes, and for some reason my runoff ph is like at 5 why is this, and i got some seeds today from a freind he said the tigerstiped seeds were whitewhiteberry and the rest are just from dank weed from last year, and theirs only a few tigerstiped ones so its easy to pick them out and save them,i am going to germ ten other seeds though of unknown strain, but its from dank, and i will germ five just the regual paper towel methed and germ the other 5 with the sample of messenger seed treatment, to see if any thing better happens, also i am just gonna grow them on a 12/12 lighting schedule with my other plant under the 600 just because i dont have a veg room, so well see how it turns out, also my dad sent me some stuff that i thought were pretty cool he lives in north east washington, heres a some pics of a great horned owl claw he found it dead in some barbwire so he cut the feet off and took the feathers to he sent me a claw off of it, its pretty cool and hella sharp, also some coins he sent me they are 1880 silver dollor,also my plants have been getting a lil more yellow so i decided to use the sample of green stay spray i read about it and its supposed to work good and quik so i guessill see, heres some pics of the plant after 5 days of 12/12 :bigjoint:

